pip3 install selenium tbselenium pyautogui
!! You'll need the geckodriver installed (LINUX USERS) !!
Linux: Inside "SocialCrack.py" -- line 28, edit the string with the path of Your TOR Browser Windows: Inside "SocialCrack.py" -- line 28, edit the string with the path of Your TOR Browser
1 - For Facebook:
Linux: python3 SocialCrack.py facebook /path/to/your/wordlist.txt
Windows: python SocialCrack.py facebook C:\path\to\your\wordlist.txt
2 - For Instagram:
Linux: python3 SocialCrack.py instagram /path/to/your/wordlist.txt
Windows: python SocialCrack.py instagram C:\path\to\your\wordlist.txt
3 - For Twitter:
Linux: python3 SocialCrack.py twitter /path/to/your/wordlist.txt
Windows: python SocialCrack.py twitter C:\path\to\your\wordlist.txt