ArchlinuxARM XBMC PKBUILDS for A10 devices (Cubieboard 1 etc..) with Video Acceleration enabled.
##Installation (testing with mesa 9.2.3)
cd binaries
pacman -U libump-git-26.9971394-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
pacman -U sunxi-mali-fb-git-26.9971394-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
pacman -U cedarx-libs-git-20130909.b8f52d9-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
pacman -U xbmc-a10-20130925.e7d9567-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
##Native compilation/installation:
- make and install sunxi-mali-fb-git,sunxi-mali-libump-git
cd sunxi-mali-fb-git
makepkg -si
NOTE: update mesa version in PKGBUILD Go to line line #40 of PKGBUILD (package_sunxi-mali-fb-git provides section) and replace mesa=9.2.3 with the current ArchlinuxARM mesa version. This will resolve conficts between sunxi and mesa.
- make and install cedarx-libs-git
cd cedarx-libs-git
makepkg -si
- make and install xbmc a10 patched version
cd xbmc-a10
makepkg -si
NOTE: I suggest to enable ccache in /etc/makepkg.conf becouse the native compilation on Cubieboard takes about 2 hours. If you want you can try cross-compilation from ArchlinuxARM wiki.