This library simplifies interfacing with code written on a microprocessor like an Arduino, Teensy, or similar devices via serial communication.
The Python code is designed to work with the uCommander Arduino library.
First, install the ucommander Python library with pip, ideally in a virtual environment.
$ cd myproject
$ python -m venv venv
$ pip install ucommander
After you have the ucommander
library installed in your Python environment,
ensure your microprocessor is attached to your host and determine what
serial port you will use to communicate with it.
The listports
command can help with this.
$ python -m ucommander listports
Attempting to enumerate serial ports...
/dev/cu.SOC - n/a
/dev/cu.usbmodem - USB Serial
Once you know the serial port, run the discover command to learn which commands you can run and what arguments they require.
$ python -m ucommander -p /dev/cu.usbmodem discover
Available commands:
ledIfPi FLOAT(4)
Finally, run the commands, providing any required arguments after the command name.
$ python -m ucommander -p /dev/cu.usbmodem ledIfPi 3.14
$ python -m ucommander -p /dev/cu.usbmodem ledIfPi 3.24
Copyright (C) 2019 Mark A Kendrick