This is an Operator that keeps variants in the Unifiedpush Server in sync with your mobile project on Openshift. It allows you to use bindings to create variants for your mobile clients, monitors those variants and keeps them in sync should they be deleted on either UPS or Openshift. When creating new variants this Operator will also annotate your mobile clients with all the information required for the mobile UI.
Currently this needs to use a service account with admin permissions. Use:
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding <your namespace>-admin-binding --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=<your namespace>:default
- Install Mockery on your machine:
- Run
make setup
- Run tests:
make test
Make sure that you are logged in with oc
and use the right namespace.
$ make build_linux
$ docker build -t -f Dockerfile .
$ oc create -f template.json