Modification from Learned Indexes by yangjufo
Implementation of BTree part for paper 'The Case for Learned Index Structures'.
T. Kraska, A. Beutel, E. H. Chi, J. Dean, and N. Polyzotis. The Case for Learned Index Structures., 2017
Language: Python
Support content: Integer values, Random and Exponential distribution
data/: test data
model/: learned NN model
perfromance/:NN and BTree performance main file NN structures
First, you need to install python2.7.x and package tensorflow, pandas, numpy, enum.
Second, use command to run the fule, that is,
python -t <Type> -d <Distribution> [-p|-n] [Percent]|[Number] [-c] [New data] [-h]
'type': 'Type: sample, full',
'distribution': 'Distribution: random, exponential',
'percent': 'Percent: 0.1-1.0, default value = 0.5; sample train data size = 300,000',
'number': 'Number: 10,000-10,000,000, default value = 300,000',
'new data' 'New Data: INTEGER, 0 for no creating new data file, others for creating'
python -t full -d random -n 100000 -c 1
Sample training is also included in this project, you can use parameter 'sample' for '-t' to test sample training, while '-p' is used for change the sample training percent.
python -t sample -d random -p 0.3 -c 0
Input: int threshold, int stages[]
Data: record data[]
Result: trained index
1 M = stages.size;
2 tmp_records[][];
3 tmp_records[1][1] = all_data;
4 for i ← 1 to M do
5 for j ← 1 to stages[i] do
6 index[i][j] = new NN trained on tmp.records[i][j];
7 if i < M then
8 for r ∈ tmp.records[i][j] do
9 𝑞 = f(r.key) / stages[i + 1];
10 tmp.records[i + 1][ 𝑞].add(r);
11 for j ← 1 to index[M].size do
12 index[M][j].calc_err(tmp.records[M][j]);
13 if index[M][j].max_abs_err > threshold then
14 index[M][j] = new B-Tree trained on tmp_records[M][j];
15 return index;