add history tables and implement history importer task (2b23eed )
add init and pair liquidity info history migrations (6be08aa )
add run task function handling isSyncRunning logic (682ffdf )
add scheduling, resolve todos, cleanup & improve (8ff29ba )
allow only running one task (importer or validator) at a time (6695d03 )
implemented api for pair liquidity info history (18fc490 )
implemented history validation task (5b0e651 )
importer: fetch only as many pages as needed (9726428 )
importer: skip if recent error. insert initial liquidity on first sync (6a33906 )
replace lossless-json with int-as-string parameter (9f74e43 )
worker: automatic reconnects (632be66 )
Bug Fixes
error print on task lvl (2d145b1 )
importer: fix block run, when other operation is still running (7f9208d )
readd function after rebase (faec624 )
validator: adjustments after rebase (7f036bf )
validator: fix cronjob frequency (35e6bc0 )
add github action to lint and prettify on PR lvl (e84afed )
refactor prod release (87c1de8 )
remove if from the production deploy step (e9a6fa9 )
adjust contractAddress and microBlock hash pattern (29be71d )
change location of clients module + minor codestyle things (7ee5d63 )
implement PR feedback (8469b7e )
importer: don't always refetch last microblock (3d3c2b9 )
importer: simplify is first run check (6ef5cf7 )
importer: thoroughly use Encoded string types everywhere (cad05b9 )
migrate fetch contract balances at micro block to v2 endpoint (167b30f )
remove unnecessary async in function def (a66f1cd )
revert schema change (d42a7ac )
validator: feedback: improve cron notation, avoid double await (8926599 )
validator: improving typing of hashOrKbi param (73ad896 )
validator: resolve todos, move sorting to db (6a8a6bd )
add e2e tests for PairLiquidityInfoHistoryDbService and PairLiquidityInfoHistoryErrorDbService (081bbb0 )
add unit tests for PairLiquidityInfoHistoryController (5bc2f8f )
adjust isRunning logic, implement unit tests for TasksService (2de9430 )
implement unit tests for ImporterService (774dfc9 )
implement unit tests for ValidatorService (eb77794 )
run test ci on pr lvl, fix e2e tests (e0ee1cc )
You can’t perform that action at this time.