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liturgical calendar computations (Roman Catholic, after the reform of Vatican II)

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Ruby gem for calendar computations according to the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar as instituted by MP Mysterii Paschalis of Paul VI. (AAS 61 (1969), pp. 222-226). The rules are defined in General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar (English translation).


  • liturgical season
  • Sundays, temporale feasts
  • sanctorale calendars: data format, example data files, their loading
  • resolution of precedence of concurrent celebrations
  • octave days
  • commemorations in the privileged seasons where memorials are suppressed
  • transfer of suppressed solemnities
  • additional temporale feasts (Christ the Eternal Priest and similar)
  • optional transfer of important solemnities to a nearby Sunday


includes an important bit of code from the easter gem by James Robertson


freely choose between GNU/LGPL 3 and MIT

Basic Usage

For more self-explaining, commented and copy-pastable examples see the examples directory.

All the examples below expect that you first required the gem:

require 'calendarium-romanum'

1. What liturgical season is it today?

calendar = CalendariumRomanum::Calendar.for_day(
day =
day.season # => :ordinary

Day#season returns a Symbol representing the current liturgical season.

2. What liturgical day is it today?

Day has several other properties. Day#celebrations returns an Array of Celebrations that occur on the given day. Usually the Array has a single element, but in case of optional celebrations (several optional memorials occurring on a ferial) it may have two or more.

day.celebrations # => [#<CalendariumRomanum::Celebration:0x00000001741c78 @title="", @rank=#<struct CalendariumRomanum::Rank priority=3.13, desc="Unprivileged ferials", short_desc="ferial">, @colour=:green>]

In this case the single Celebration available is a ferial, described by it's title (empty in this case), rank and liturgical colour.

3. But does it take feasts of saints in account?

Actually, no. Not yet. We need to load some calendar data first:

sanctorale =
loader =
loader.load_from_file sanctorale, 'data/universal-en.txt' # insert path to your data file
calendar = CalendariumRomanum::Calendar.for_day(, sanctorale)
day =, 8, 19))
day.celebrations # => [#<CalendariumRomanum::Celebration:0x000000016ed330 @title="", @rank=#<struct CalendariumRomanum::Rank priority=3.13, desc="Unprivileged ferials", short_desc="ferial">, @colour=:green>, #<CalendariumRomanum::Celebration:0x00000001715790 @title="Saint John Eudes, priest", @rank=#<struct CalendariumRomanum::Rank priority=3.12, desc="Optional memorials", short_desc="optional memorial">, @colour=:white>]

Unless a sanctorale is loaded, Calendar only counts with temporale feasts, Sundays and ferials.

Sanctorale Data

Use prepared data or create your own

The gem expects data files following a custom format - see README in the data directory for it's description. The same directory contains a bunch of example data files.

universal-en.txt and universal-la.txt are data of the General Roman Calendar in English and Latin.

The other files, when layered properly, can be used to assemble proper calendar of any diocese in the Czech Republic.

Implement custom loading strategy

In case you already have sanctorale data in another format, it might be better suited for you to implement your own loading routine instead of migrating them to our custom format. SanctoraleLoader is the class to look into for inspiration.

The important bit is that for each celebration you build a Celebration instance and push it in a Sanctorale instance by a call to Sanctorale#add, which receives a month, a day (as integers) and a Celebration:

include CalendariumRomanum
sanctorale =
celebration ='Saint John Eudes, priest', Ranks::MEMORIAL_OPTIONAL, Colours::WHITE)
sanctorale.add 8, 19, celebration
calendar = Calendar.for_day(, sanctorale)

Now our Sanctorale knows one feast and the Calendar resolves it correctly:

day =, 8, 19))
day.celebrations # => [#<CalendariumRomanum::Celebration:0x000000010deea8 @title="", @rank=#<struct CalendariumRomanum::Rank priority=3.13, desc="Unprivileged ferials", short_desc="ferial">, @colour=:green>, #<CalendariumRomanum::Celebration:0x000000010fec08 @title="Saint John Eudes, priest", @rank=#<struct CalendariumRomanum::Rank priority=3.12, desc="Optional memorials", short_desc="optional memorial">, @colour=:white>]


liturgical calendar computations (Roman Catholic, after the reform of Vatican II)






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