This project sets up RDS and Aurora snapshot replication to a different account (in case of loss of account) and region (in case of nuclear war).
For RDS snapshots: we subscribe to RDS snapshot events via SNS. Every event triggers src_backup_event. If it is a snapshot completed event, it will start a step function. This step function will first copy the snapshot to the target region within the same account, then to the target account, and finally delete the additional copy it created in the source account.
For Aurora snapshots: Aurora snapshots do not have events so we check for them on a regular basis. If we find one, we emit an event to SNS, which is picket up by src_backup_event.
- Cloudwatch event to delete old snapshots
- IAM roles & policies (see permissions)
- Stepfunction and multiple Lambda functions
- SNS topic 'rds_replication'
- Cloudwatch event to delete old snapshots
- IAM roles & policies (see permissions)
- Lambda function to delete old snapshots
The module can read and delete all DB snapshots in both accounts. Both accounts only have access to their own snapshots. The source account can trigger a lambda function in the destination account.
Please check and for details.
- backup_last: how many snapshots should be replicated from src to dst
- dst_account_id: destination account id
- dst_region: destination region
- log_level: python logging log levels: DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR
- pattern: regex which snapshots should be replicated
- retention: how many days to keep backups for
- schedule_expression: how often to clean up backups
- src_account_id: source account id
- src_region: source region