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More list properties about catMaybes/mapMaybe (#2389)
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* More list properties about `catMaybes/mapMaybe`

- Follow-up to PR #2361
- Ported from my [formal-prelude](

* Revert irrefutable `with`s for inductive hypotheses.
  • Loading branch information
omelkonian authored and andreasabel committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent 30ef471 commit 4749905
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Showing 5 changed files with 217 additions and 78 deletions.
100 changes: 58 additions & 42 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -414,47 +414,55 @@ Additions to existing modules

* In `Data.List.Properties`:
length-catMaybes : length (catMaybes xs) ≤ length xs
applyUpTo-∷ʳ : applyUpTo f n ∷ʳ f n ≡ applyUpTo f (suc n)
applyDownFrom-∷ʳ : applyDownFrom (f ∘ suc) n ∷ʳ f 0 ≡ applyDownFrom f (suc n)
upTo-∷ʳ : upTo n ∷ʳ n ≡ upTo (suc n)
downFrom-∷ʳ : applyDownFrom suc n ∷ʳ 0 ≡ downFrom (suc n)
reverse-selfInverse : SelfInverse {A = List A} _≡_ reverse
reverse-applyUpTo : reverse (applyUpTo f n) ≡ applyDownFrom f n
reverse-upTo : reverse (upTo n) ≡ downFrom n
reverse-applyDownFrom : reverse (applyDownFrom f n) ≡ applyUpTo f n
reverse-downFrom : reverse (downFrom n) ≡ upTo n
mapMaybe-map : mapMaybe f ∘ map g ≗ mapMaybe (f ∘ g)
map-mapMaybe : map g ∘ mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe ( g ∘ f)
align-map : align (map f xs) (map g ys) ≡ map (map f g) (align xs ys)
zip-map : zip (map f xs) (map g ys) ≡ map (map f g) (zip xs ys)
unzipWith-map : unzipWith f ∘ map g ≗ unzipWith (f ∘ g)
map-unzipWith : map (map g) (map h) ∘ unzipWith f ≗ unzipWith (map g h ∘ f)
unzip-map : unzip ∘ map (map f g) ≗ map (map f) (map g) ∘ unzip
splitAt-map : splitAt n ∘ map f ≗ map (map f) (map f) ∘ splitAt n
uncons-map : uncons ∘ map f ≗ map (map f (map f)) ∘ uncons
last-map : last ∘ map f ≗ map f ∘ last
tail-map : tail ∘ map f ≗ map (map f) ∘ tail
mapMaybe-cong : f ≗ g → mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe g
zipWith-cong : (∀ a b → f a b ≡ g a b) → ∀ as → zipWith f as ≗ zipWith g as
unzipWith-cong : f ≗ g → unzipWith f ≗ unzipWith g
foldl-cong : (∀ x y → f x y ≡ g x y) → ∀ x → foldl f x ≗ foldl g x
alignWith-flip : alignWith f xs ys ≡ alignWith (f ∘ swap) ys xs
alignWith-comm : f ∘ swap ≗ f → alignWith f xs ys ≡ alignWith f ys xs
align-flip : align xs ys ≡ map swap (align ys xs)
zip-flip : zip xs ys ≡ map swap (zip ys xs)
unzipWith-swap : unzipWith (swap ∘ f) ≗ swap ∘ unzipWith f
unzip-swap : unzip ∘ map swap ≗ swap ∘ unzip
take-take : take n (take m xs) ≡ take (n ⊓ m) xs
take-drop : take n (drop m xs) ≡ drop m (take (m + n) xs)
zip-unzip : uncurry′ zip ∘ unzip ≗ id
unzipWith-zipWith : f ∘ uncurry′ g ≗ id → length xs ≡ length ys → unzipWith f (zipWith g xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
unzip-zip : length xs ≡ length ys → unzip (zip xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
mapMaybe-++ : mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys) ≡ mapMaybe f xs ++ mapMaybe f ys
unzipWith-++ : unzipWith f (xs ++ ys) ≡ zip _++_ _++_ (unzipWith f xs) (unzipWith f ys)
catMaybes-concatMap : catMaybes ≗ concatMap fromMaybe
catMaybes-++ : catMaybes (xs ++ ys) ≡ catMaybes xs ++ catMaybes ys
map-catMaybes : map f ∘ catMaybes ≗ catMaybes ∘ map ( f)
length-catMaybes : length (catMaybes xs) ≤ length xs
applyUpTo-∷ʳ : applyUpTo f n ∷ʳ f n ≡ applyUpTo f (suc n)
applyDownFrom-∷ʳ : applyDownFrom (f ∘ suc) n ∷ʳ f 0 ≡ applyDownFrom f (suc n)
upTo-∷ʳ : upTo n ∷ʳ n ≡ upTo (suc n)
downFrom-∷ʳ : applyDownFrom suc n ∷ʳ 0 ≡ downFrom (suc n)
reverse-selfInverse : SelfInverse {A = List A} _≡_ reverse
reverse-applyUpTo : reverse (applyUpTo f n) ≡ applyDownFrom f n
reverse-upTo : reverse (upTo n) ≡ downFrom n
reverse-applyDownFrom : reverse (applyDownFrom f n) ≡ applyUpTo f n
reverse-downFrom : reverse (downFrom n) ≡ upTo n
mapMaybe-map : mapMaybe f ∘ map g ≗ mapMaybe (f ∘ g)
map-mapMaybe : map g ∘ mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe ( g ∘ f)
align-map : align (map f xs) (map g ys) ≡ map (map f g) (align xs ys)
zip-map : zip (map f xs) (map g ys) ≡ map (map f g) (zip xs ys)
unzipWith-map : unzipWith f ∘ map g ≗ unzipWith (f ∘ g)
map-unzipWith : map (map g) (map h) ∘ unzipWith f ≗ unzipWith (map g h ∘ f)
unzip-map : unzip ∘ map (map f g) ≗ map (map f) (map g) ∘ unzip
splitAt-map : splitAt n ∘ map f ≗ map (map f) (map f) ∘ splitAt n
uncons-map : uncons ∘ map f ≗ map (map f (map f)) ∘ uncons
last-map : last ∘ map f ≗ map f ∘ last
tail-map : tail ∘ map f ≗ map (map f) ∘ tail
mapMaybe-cong : f ≗ g → mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe g
zipWith-cong : (∀ a b → f a b ≡ g a b) → ∀ as → zipWith f as ≗ zipWith g as
unzipWith-cong : f ≗ g → unzipWith f ≗ unzipWith g
foldl-cong : (∀ x y → f x y ≡ g x y) → ∀ x → foldl f x ≗ foldl g x
alignWith-flip : alignWith f xs ys ≡ alignWith (f ∘ swap) ys xs
alignWith-comm : f ∘ swap ≗ f → alignWith f xs ys ≡ alignWith f ys xs
align-flip : align xs ys ≡ map swap (align ys xs)
zip-flip : zip xs ys ≡ map swap (zip ys xs)
unzipWith-swap : unzipWith (swap ∘ f) ≗ swap ∘ unzipWith f
unzip-swap : unzip ∘ map swap ≗ swap ∘ unzip
take-take : take n (take m xs) ≡ take (n ⊓ m) xs
take-drop : take n (drop m xs) ≡ drop m (take (m + n) xs)
zip-unzip : uncurry′ zip ∘ unzip ≗ id
unzipWith-zipWith : f ∘ uncurry′ g ≗ id →
length xs ≡ length ys →
unzipWith f (zipWith g xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
unzip-zip : length xs ≡ length ys → unzip (zip xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
mapMaybe-++ : mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys) ≡ mapMaybe f xs ++ mapMaybe f ys
unzipWith-++ : unzipWith f (xs ++ ys) ≡
zip _++_ _++_ (unzipWith f xs) (unzipWith f ys)
catMaybes-concatMap : catMaybes ≗ concatMap fromMaybe
catMaybes-++ : catMaybes (xs ++ ys) ≡ catMaybes xs ++ catMaybes ys
map-catMaybes : map f ∘ catMaybes ≗ catMaybes ∘ map ( f)
Any-catMaybes⁺ : Any (M.Any P) xs → Any P (catMaybes xs)
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ : mapMaybe isInj₁ (map inj₁ xs) ≡ xs
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ : mapMaybe isInj₁ (map inj₂ xs) ≡ []
mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ : mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₂ xs) ≡ xs
mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ : mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₁ xs) ≡ []

* In `Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid.Properties`:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,7 +575,15 @@ Additions to existing modules

* Added new proofs to `Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties`:
product-↭ : product Preserves _↭_ ⟶ _≡_
product-↭ : product Preserves _↭_ ⟶ _≡_
catMaybes-↭ : xs ↭ ys → catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
mapMaybe-↭ : xs ↭ ys → mapMaybe f xs ↭ mapMaybe f ys

* Added new proofs to `Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties.Maybe`:
catMaybes-↭ : xs ↭ ys → catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
mapMaybe-↭ : xs ↭ ys → mapMaybe f xs ↭ mapMaybe f ys

* In `Data.Rational.Properties`:
Expand Down
100 changes: 66 additions & 34 deletions src/Data/List/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ open import Data.List.Base as List
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing; maybe)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any using (just) renaming (Any to MAny)
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Nat.Divisibility using (_∣_; divides; ∣n⇒∣m*n)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Product.Base as Product
using (_×_; _,_; uncurry; uncurry′; proj₁; proj₂; <_,_>)
import Data.Product.Relation.Unary.All as Product using (All)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; isInj₁; isInj₂)
open import Data.These.Base as These using (These; this; that; these)
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (toℕ-cast)
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘_; _∘′_; _∋_; _-⟨_∣; ∣_⟩-_; _$_; const; flip)
Expand All @@ -49,12 +50,11 @@ open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable; ∁)
open import Relation.Unary.Properties using (∁?)
import Data.Nat.GeneralisedArithmetic as ℕ

open ≡-Reasoning

a b c d e p : Level
a b c d e p : Level
A : Set a
B : Set b
C : Set c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,32 +123,6 @@ map-injective finj {x ∷ xs} {y ∷ ys} eq =
let fx≡fy , fxs≡fys = ∷-injective eq in
cong₂ _∷_ (finj fx≡fy) (map-injective finj fxs≡fys)

-- catMaybes

catMaybes-concatMap : catMaybes {A = A} ≗ concatMap fromMaybe
catMaybes-concatMap [] = refl
catMaybes-concatMap (just x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (catMaybes-concatMap xs)
catMaybes-concatMap (nothing ∷ xs) = catMaybes-concatMap xs

length-catMaybes : xs length (catMaybes {A = A} xs) ≤ length xs
length-catMaybes [] = ≤-refl
length-catMaybes (just x ∷ xs) = s≤s (length-catMaybes xs)
length-catMaybes (nothing ∷ xs) = m≤n⇒m≤1+n (length-catMaybes xs)

catMaybes-++ : (xs ys : List (Maybe A))
catMaybes (xs ++ ys) ≡ catMaybes xs ++ catMaybes ys
catMaybes-++ [] ys = refl
catMaybes-++ (just x ∷ xs) ys = cong (x ∷_) (catMaybes-++ xs ys)
catMaybes-++ (nothing ∷ xs) ys = catMaybes-++ xs ys

module _ (f : A B) where

map-catMaybes : map f ∘ catMaybes ≗ catMaybes ∘ map ( f)
map-catMaybes [] = refl
map-catMaybes (just x ∷ xs) = cong (f x ∷_) (map-catMaybes xs)
map-catMaybes (nothing ∷ xs) = map-catMaybes xs

-- _++_

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -742,12 +716,40 @@ map-concatMap f g xs = begin

-- mapMaybe
-- catMaybes

catMaybes-concatMap : catMaybes {A = A} ≗ concatMap fromMaybe
catMaybes-concatMap [] = refl
catMaybes-concatMap (just x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) $ catMaybes-concatMap xs
catMaybes-concatMap (nothing ∷ xs) = catMaybes-concatMap xs

length-catMaybes : xs length (catMaybes {A = A} xs) ≤ length xs
length-catMaybes [] = ≤-refl
length-catMaybes (just _ ∷ xs) = s≤s $ length-catMaybes xs
length-catMaybes (nothing ∷ xs) = m≤n⇒m≤1+n $ length-catMaybes xs

module _ {f g : A Maybe B} where
catMaybes-++ : (xs ys : List (Maybe A))
catMaybes (xs ++ ys) ≡ catMaybes xs ++ catMaybes ys
catMaybes-++ [] _ = refl
catMaybes-++ (just x ∷ xs) ys = cong (x ∷_) $ catMaybes-++ xs ys
catMaybes-++ (nothing ∷ xs) ys = catMaybes-++ xs ys

mapMaybe-cong : f ≗ g mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe g
mapMaybe-cong f≗g = cong catMaybes ∘ map-cong f≗g
map-catMaybes : (f : A B) map f ∘ catMaybes ≗ catMaybes ∘ map ( f)
map-catMaybes _ [] = refl
map-catMaybes f (just x ∷ xs) = cong (f x ∷_) $ map-catMaybes f xs
map-catMaybes f (nothing ∷ xs) = map-catMaybes f xs

Any-catMaybes⁺ : {P : Pred A ℓ} {xs : List (Maybe A)}
Any (MAny P) xs Any P (catMaybes xs)
Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = nothing ∷ xs} (there x∈) = Any-catMaybes⁺ x∈
Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = just x ∷ xs} (here (just px)) = here px
Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = just x ∷ xs} (there x∈) = there $ Any-catMaybes⁺ x∈

-- mapMaybe

mapMaybe-cong : {f g : A Maybe B} f ≗ g mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe g
mapMaybe-cong f≗g = cong catMaybes ∘ map-cong f≗g

mapMaybe-just : (xs : List A) mapMaybe just xs ≡ xs
mapMaybe-just [] = refl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -793,6 +795,36 @@ module _ (g : B → C) (f : A → Maybe B) where
mapMaybe ( g) (map f xs) ≡⟨ mapMaybe-map _ f xs ⟩
mapMaybe ( g ∘ f) xs ∎

-- embedding-projection pairs
module _ {proj : B Maybe A} {emb : A B} where
mapMaybe-map-retract : proj ∘ emb ≗ just mapMaybe proj ∘ map emb ≗ id
mapMaybe-map-retract retract xs = begin
mapMaybe proj (map emb xs) ≡⟨ mapMaybe-map _ _ xs ⟩
mapMaybe (proj ∘ emb) xs ≡⟨ mapMaybe-cong retract xs ⟩
mapMaybe just xs ≡⟨ mapMaybe-just _ ⟩
xs ∎

module _ {proj : C Maybe B} {emb : A C} where
mapMaybe-map-none : proj ∘ emb ≗ const nothing mapMaybe proj ∘ map emb ≗ const []
mapMaybe-map-none retract xs = begin
mapMaybe proj (map emb xs) ≡⟨ mapMaybe-map _ _ xs ⟩
mapMaybe (proj ∘ emb) xs ≡⟨ mapMaybe-cong retract xs ⟩
mapMaybe (const nothing) xs ≡⟨ mapMaybe-nothing xs ⟩
[] ∎

-- embedding-projection pairs on sums
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ : (xs : List A) mapMaybe (isInj₁ {B = B}) (map inj₁ xs) ≡ xs
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ = mapMaybe-map-retract λ _ refl

mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ : (xs : List B) mapMaybe (isInj₁ {A = A}) (map inj₂ xs) ≡ []
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ = mapMaybe-map-none λ _ refl

mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ : (xs : List B) mapMaybe (isInj₂ {A = A}) (map inj₂ xs) ≡ xs
mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ = mapMaybe-map-retract λ _ refl

mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ : (xs : List A) mapMaybe (isInj₂ {B = B}) (map inj₁ xs) ≡ []
mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ = mapMaybe-map-none λ _ refl

-- sum

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties
import Data.List.Properties as Lₚ
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; _×_; ∃; ∃₂)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _⟨_⟩_)
open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _⟨_⟩_; _$_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel; _Preserves_⟶_; _Preserves₂_⟶_⟶_)
Expand All @@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ private
a b p : Level
A : Set a
B : Set b
xs ys : List A

-- Permutations of empty and singleton lists
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,3 +375,22 @@ product-↭ (swap {xs} {ys} x y r) = begin
(y * x) * product ys ≡⟨ *-assoc y x (product ys) ⟩
y * (x * product ys) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning

-- catMaybes

catMaybes-↭ : xs ↭ ys catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
catMaybes-↭ refl = refl
catMaybes-↭ (trans xs↭ ↭ys) = trans (catMaybes-↭ xs↭) (catMaybes-↭ ↭ys)
catMaybes-↭ (prep nothing xs↭) = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (prep (just x) xs↭) = prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap nothing nothing xs↭) = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap nothing (just y) xs↭) = prep y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap (just x) nothing xs↭) = prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap (just x) (just y) xs↭) = swap x y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭

-- mapMaybe

mapMaybe-↭ : (f : A Maybe B) xs ↭ ys mapMaybe f xs ↭ mapMaybe f ys
mapMaybe-↭ f = catMaybes-↭ ∘ map⁺ f
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ steps-respʳ ys≋xs (trans ys↭ws ws↭zs) = cong (steps ys↭ws +_)
-- map

module _ (T : Setoid b ℓ) where
module _ {ℓ} (T : Setoid b ℓ) where

open Setoid T using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈′_)
open Permutation T using () renaming (_↭_ to _↭′_)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of permutations using setoid equality (on Maybe elements)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties.Maybe where

open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_Preserves_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)

open import Level using (Level)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _$_)

open import Data.List.Base using (catMaybes; mapMaybe)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise using (Pointwise; []; _∷_)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid as Permutation
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties

open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Binary.Pointwise using (nothing; just)
renaming (setoid to setoidᴹ)

a b ℓ ℓ′ : Level

-- catMaybes

module _ (sᴬ : Setoid a ℓ) where
open Setoid sᴬ using (_≈_)
open Permutation sᴬ

private sᴹ = setoidᴹ sᴬ
open Setoid sᴹ using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈ᴹ_)
open Permutation sᴹ using () renaming (_↭_ to _↭ᴹ_)

catMaybes-↭ : {xs ys} xs ↭ᴹ ys catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
catMaybes-↭ (refl p) = refl (pointwise p)
pointwise : {xs ys} Pointwise _≈ᴹ_ xs ys
Pointwise _≈_ (catMaybes xs) (catMaybes ys)
pointwise [] = []
pointwise (just p ∷ ps) = p ∷ pointwise ps
pointwise (nothing ∷ ps) = pointwise ps
catMaybes-↭ (trans xs↭ ↭ys) = trans (catMaybes-↭ xs↭) (catMaybes-↭ ↭ys)
catMaybes-↭ (prep nothing xs↭) = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (prep (just x~y) xs↭) = prep x~y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap nothing nothing xs↭) = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap nothing (just y) xs↭) = prep y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap (just x) nothing xs↭) = prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap (just x) (just y) xs↭) = swap x y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭

-- mapMaybe

module _ (sᴬ : Setoid a ℓ) (sᴮ : Setoid b ℓ′) where
open Setoid sᴬ using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈ᴬ_)
open Permutation sᴬ using () renaming (_↭_ to _↭ᴬ_)
open Permutation sᴮ using () renaming (_↭_ to _↭ᴮ_)

private sᴹᴮ = setoidᴹ sᴮ
open Setoid sᴹᴮ using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈ᴹᴮ_)

mapMaybe-↭ : {f} f Preserves _≈ᴬ_ ⟶ _≈ᴹᴮ_
{xs ys} xs ↭ᴬ ys mapMaybe f xs ↭ᴮ mapMaybe f ys
mapMaybe-↭ pres = catMaybes-↭ sᴮ ∘ map⁺ sᴬ sᴹᴮ pres

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