This wrapper is a parallel virsh command to manage a selected group of Virtual Machine. This provides an easy way to execute the same command on a selected group of Virtual Machine. If you want to manage more than 1 VM you need to script you action and this will be done in a sequential way (most of the time).
- Launch parallel command on mulitiple VM selected by group
- auto-completion of the virsh domain command
- Reports of error/success per VM
- Interactive mode with intelligent prompt (display group, yaml file and connector)
- Interactive terminal or a one shot command
- colored prompt to easily catch up trouble and syntax
- yaml file group: default is groups.yaml, possible to change to any other file
Interactive command:
See the pvirsh.pod file in man/ directory
- python3-libvirt-python
- python3-PyYAML
- python3-curses (to get completion)
- From source code:
git clone https://github.com/aginies/pvirsh
cd pvirsh
./setup.py install
- Package from OBS
It is possible to select VM directly on the connected hypervisir with select_vm, or you can use a group yaml file which contains list of VM per group. By default the script will use groups.yaml. The yaml file looks like:
- sle15sp31$
- sle15sp4
- rhe
- fedora
- win7
- win10
- sle15sp31$ : will match exactly this machine name
- sle15sp4 : will match all VM, including sle15sp4*
NOTE: select_vm is only available in interactive mode.
Probably a lot as this is for testing purpose...
- detect VM state before (useful for some command which requires VM running)
- connect to multiple host?
- ....
usage: Interactive or Non Interactive command tool to manage multiple VM at the same Time
Non interactive:
pvirsh -n -f GROUP.yaml --conn CONNECTOR -g VM_GROUP,VM_GROUP2 -c 'CMD CMD_OPTION'
pvirsh -n --conn local -g suse -c 'domstate --reason'
[-h] [-s] [--conn CONN] [-g GROUP] [-f FILE] [-n] [-c CMD]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --showgroup Show group from VM file content
--conn CONN Connect to the hypervisor (local | ssh)
-g GROUP, --group GROUP
Group of VM to use (could be a list separated by ,)
-f FILE, --file FILE Group file to use as yaml file
-n, --noninter Launch this tool in non interactive mode
-c CMD, --cmd CMD Command to execute on a group of VM
Get the state of all virtual Machine in suse group:
pvirsh.py -n --conn local -c domstate -g suse,rhel
Connected; Version: 6002000
Multiple group selected
Selected group is suse: ['sle15sp3', 'sle15sp41$', 'sle15sp4-2$']
Selected group is rhel: ['rhe', 'fedora', 'plop']
virsh domstate sle15sp31 shut off Done
virsh domstate sle15sp41 shut off Done
virsh domstate sle15sp4-2 shut off Done
virsh domstate sle15sp32 shut off Done
virsh domstate sle15sp33 shut off Done
virsh domstate sle15sp34 shut off Done
virsh domstate rhel8 shut off Done
Setting hard-limit memory to 1.024GB for all VM in suse group:
pvirsh.py -n --conn local -c "memtune --hard-limit 1000000" -g suse
Connected; Version: 6002000
Selected group is suse: ['sle15sp3', 'sle15sp41$', 'sle15sp4-2$']
virsh memtune sle15sp34 --hard-limit 1000000 Done
virsh memtune sle15sp41 --hard-limit 1000000 Done
virsh memtune sle15sp31 --hard-limit 1000000 Done
virsh memtune sle15sp33 --hard-limit 1000000 Done
virsh memtune sle15sp32 --hard-limit 1000000 Done
virsh memtune sle15sp4-2 --hard-limit 1000000 Done
Adding an RNG device to all VM in suse group:
cat rng.xml
<rng model="virtio">
<backend model="random">/dev/urandom</backend>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
pvirsh.py -n --conn local -g suse,rhel -c "attach-device --current --file rng.xml"
Connected; Version: 6002000
Multiple group selected
Selected group is suse: ['sle15sp3', 'sle15sp41$', 'sle15sp4-2$']
Selected group is rhel: ['rhe', 'fedora', 'plop']
virsh attach-device sle15sp41 --current --file rng.xml Device attached successfully Done
virsh attach-device sle15sp31 --current --file rng.xml Device attached successfully Done
virsh attach-device sle15sp4-2 --current --file rng.xml Device attached successfully Done
virsh attach-device sle15sp33 --current --file rng.xml Device attached successfully Done
virsh attach-device rhel8 --current --file rng.xml Device attached successfully Done
virsh attach-device sle15sp32 --current --file rng.xml Device attached successfully Done
Command was:virsh attach-device sle15sp34 --current --file rng.xml
ERROR: sle15sp34: b'error: Failed to attach device from rng.xml\nerror: unsupported configuration: a device with the same address already exists \n'