CoinDeme provides an interface with the cryptocurrency market.
- Select up to three coins to compare and contrast prices, market caps, rate of return, or total volume.
- Customize properties such as time period, coin axis, log/linear scaling, data decimation, and more.
- Export data as a
file for outside usage.
- Create a custom portfolio where you can track your personal assets.
- Assets immediately show profit change percentage.
- Edit asset values or currencies after they have been entered.
- View the top coins by market cap or volume.
- Track statistics such as price changes and supply ratio.
- Sparklines provide an at-a-glance view of the 7 day pricing behavior.
- View important coin statistics including: all time low, all time high, genesis date, market cap, and more.
- Read individual descriptions explaining the mission behind each coin.
- Navigate to official coin pages using auxiliary links.
- The coin converter tool allows you to view current and historical conversion rates.
- The following currencies are supported: USD, GBP, EUR, BTC, and ETH.
To run the development server, execute the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd crypto-app
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
Note that you will need to supply your own coingecko API key to properly fetch the data.
Then, go to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.