An improved git terminal
In terminal:
git clone ~/.gituoso
Add this to the end your .bashrc file
. ~/.gituoso/gituoso.bash
NOTE: If you download the project in another location you may need to modify the lines in gituoso.bash where the git-components are sourced
To use arrows instead of ^ and v in the branch summary, change the next line in gituoso.bash to true
NOTE: Those arrows are unicode characters, enabling this may show weird characters when using the reverse-i-search. If you don't care use the arrows, they look awesome!
See also: Issue #1
Gituoso usually appends itself to your current prompt. If your prompt was already setting the window title you could miss the gituoso extras. To prevent this from happening you can enable this configuration property in gituoso.bash:
NOTE: This will change your prompt to "user@host:/path/to/dir$", feel free to change this for your liking.