The Asbestos project - extending XDS Toolkit to support the FHIR standard.
Asbestos defines a micro-service environment to support the combined testing of the IHE XDS collection of profiles as well as the FHIR-based profiles. When complete, all the necessary components will be pulled into a Docker environment to create a consolidated runtime. For now this is a work-in-progress.
For now all the components are part of the repository except for HAPI FHIR which is brought in as a git submodule.
git clone
to pull shell of project. This will create directory asbestos
cd asbestos
next you will need the Javascript utilities if they are not already present (this shows what I did on Ubuntu - YMMV)
Install Yarn
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends yarn
yarn --version
Add Vue utilities
sudo yarn global add @vue/cli
to update the Javascript dependencies. These can be run at any time to refresh the Javascript libraries. Then run:
cd asbestos-view
npm init
npm install
in a terminal to start UI in development mode. Do this from the view directory.
cd asbestos-view
npm run serve
also, to make sure all packages are up to date
npm update
In IntelliJ, choose ECMAScript 6.
To build Run/Debug Configuration in IntelliJ
Create configuration based on Tomcat Server/Local
Select Application Server already on system
Unselect Open Browser after launch
URL should be http://localhost:8081/asbestos/
VM options: -DEXTERNAL_CACHE=/home/bill/ec (your milage will vary here)
On the Deployment tab - select asbestos-war:war exploded and set Application context to /asbestos
These are shell scripts in the root of the project. The top release building script is which calls the rest to do their part. The end result is the file /opt/ which is ready for release. - asbestos and asbestos-assembly have been built. This script installs asbestos-assembly in /opt/asbestos then adds xdstoolkit and hapi fhir to the package in the correct places. and the xdstools project must be alongside asbestos in the common directory:
toolkit2/ - Build asbestos and then asbestos-assembly. Install asbestos-assembly (the file structure of the release) and then add xdstools and hapi to the correct directories. Uses - deletes current release as /opt/asbestos and calls to rebuild it. - relies on to build up release content in /opt/asbestos. This script then packages that directory as /opt/ which is ready for release.