Foodspace is an app made using Flutter, where people can register and start exploring wide categories of restaurants present in their cities and also check the reviews and feedback for a specific restaurant. There is also a 'likes section' where all the restaurants liked by the user are displayed.
- Cloning the repository:
$ git clone
- Open the project and install dependencies (using terminal):
$ cd Foodspace
$ flutter pub get
This installs all the required dependencies like cloud_firestore, firebase_auth, shared_preferences, flutter_map, etc...
- Foodspace/lib/shared/constants.dart
Sign up for the Zomato API key and set the value of the String 'YOUR_ZOMATO_API_KEY' to the key that you recieved.
const String YOUR_ZOMATO_API_KEY = '';
and save it.
Make an android project on your firebase account, follow the mentioned steps and you're good to go.
Now run the app on your connected device (using terminal):
$ flutter run