This project contains boilerplate for creating APIs using Nest, a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
It is mostly built to be used as a starting point in hackathons and implements common operations such as sign up, JWT authentication, mail validation, model validation and database access.
You can also look at my Angular Hackathon Starter template that shares the same contract with this API.
PostgreSQL with Prisma
JWT Authentication
Mail Verification
Mail Change
Password Reset
Request Validation
Customizable Mail Templates
Swagger API Documentation
Security Techniques
- Make sure that you have Node.js(>= 10.13.0, except for v13) installed.
- Clone this repository by running
or directly create your own GitHub repository using this template. - Move to the appropriate directory:
. - Run
to install dependencies.
Prisma Configurations
This template uses Postgres by default. If you want to use another database, follow instructions in the official Nest recipe on Prisma.
If you wish to use another database you will also have to edit the connection string on prisma/.env
file accordingly.
Template includes three different environment options by default. Most of the time you will use the local
environment when developing and production
environment on production. You will need to fill out corresponding
environment files in env
A secret key is needed in encryption process. Generate a secret key using a service like randomkeygen.
Enter your secret key to config.ts
file. You can also the change expiration time, default is 86400 seconds(1 day).
jwt: {
secretOrKey: '__JWT_SECRET_KEY__',
expiresIn: 86400,
NodeMailer✉️ Configurations
A delivery provider is required for sending mails with Nodemailer. I mostly use SendGrid to send mails, however, Nodemailer can work with any service with SMTP transport.
To get a SendGrid API key:
- Create a free account from
- Confirm your account via the activation email and login.
- Create an API Key with mail sending capability.
Enter your API key and sender credentials to config.ts
file. Sender credentials are the sender name and sender mail that will be seen by your users.
service: {
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false,
user: 'apikey',
pass: '__SENDGRID_API_KEY__',
senderCredentials: {
name: '__SENDER_NAME__',
email: '__SENDER_EMAIL__',
Mail templates are highly customizable and heavily depend on configurations. Enter your project's information to config.ts
. Urls are used as references in the templates. If your mail verification logic is independent from your front-end application, you can use API's own mail verification endpoint, e.g. http://localhost:3000/auth/verify
, as mailVerificationUrl
. Otherwise, send a HTTP GET
request to verification endpoint with token added as a parameter named token, e.g, http://localhost:3000/auth/verify?token=__VERIFICATION_TOKEN__
project: {
name: '__YOUR_PROJECT_NAME__',
address: '__YOUR_PROJECT_ADDRESS__',
logoUrl: 'https://__YOUR_PROJECT_LOGO_URL__',
slogan: 'Made with ❤️ in Istanbul',
color: '#123456',
// You can enter as many social links as you want
socials: [
['GitHub', '__Project_GitHub_URL__'],
['__Social_Media_1__', '__Social_Media_1_URL__'],
['__Social_Media_2__', '__Social_Media_2_URL__'],
url: 'http://localhost:4200',
mailVerificationUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/verify',
mailChangeUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/change-email',
resetPasswordUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/reset-password',
termsOfServiceUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/legal/terms',
Please refer to the official Prisma Migrate Guide to get more info about Prisma migrations.
# generate migration for local environment
$ yarn migrate:dev:create
# run migrations in local environment
$ yarn migrate:dev
# deploy migration to prod environment
$ yarn migrate:deploy:prod
# development mode
$ yarn start:dev
# production
$ yarn build
$ yarn start:prod
# unit tests
$ yarn test
# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Ahmet Uysal 💻 📖 |
Dimitrios Lytras 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. If you'd like to join support Nest, please read more here.
Licenced under MIT License. Nest is also MIT licensed.