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Team Members

Spring 2022 Project Team

  • Piyush Nalawade: Piyush is a first year MS CS student specializing in Distributed Systems. He has 3 years of experience working for multiple large scale startups as a Software Engineer, Backend for building products from 0 to 1 to 10. He has expertise in Node, Python, RESTful webservices, Caching, Event Driven Architectures along with AWS cloud.

  • Rushikesh Pharate: Rushikesh is a computer science graduate student at IU. He has a prior experience in developing full stack web application using various web technologies like Django, NextJS, Redux, Flask, ExpressJS etc. With this course, he intends to get hands on experience in developing fault tolerant, high available and scalable cloud native microservices based distribued systems.

  • Aishwarya Sinhasane

Napkin Diagram


System Architecture

Final Architecture

Branching Pattern


Use Case Diagram


Architecture Discussions

Note: These are architecture discussions recorded please visit final architecture above.


Technology Stack

  • NextJs (Frontend)
  • SpringBoot (Java 15)
  • Flask (Python 3.8+)
  • Express (Node 10)
  • Django (Django 4+)
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Apache Kafka, Zookeeper
  • RESTful Webservices
  • AWS S3
  • Localstack
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Circle CI

Project Installation

Docker Installation

$ git clone
$ docker compose -f kafka-docker-compose.yml up
$ docker-compose up
$ docker exec -it audit-container /bin/sh    
$ npm run db:prod:all:migrate
$ exit
$ docker exec -it localstack-container /bin/sh
$ aws configure 
$ plot plot enter enter 
$ aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://plots
$ exit

Wait until all services are up ! 

Manual Installation


Make sure you have these dependencies installed in your machine before installing each service.

  • Node:10
  • Python 3.8+
  • Java 15
  • Maven


$ git clone

Give permissions to sh files

$ chmod 755
$ chmod 755

Fetch all repositories

$ ./

Run Kafka

Open new terminal in same tab

$ cd docker
$ docker compose -f kafka-docker-compose.yml up

Run Localstack

Open new terminal in same tab

$ cd docker
$ docker compose -f s3-localstack.yml up

Run Mongo DB

Open new terminal in same tab

$ cd docker
$ docker compose -f mongo.yml up

Run PostgreSQL

Open new terminal in same tab

$ cd docker
$ docker compose -f postgresql.yml up

Configure AWS for localstack

Open new terminal in same tab

$ brew install awscli
$ aws configure 

access key = foo secret key = foo default region = us-east-1 default ouput format =

Create a local bucket naming 'plots'

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://plots

How to run (Manually)

Start a service either by going to their respective folders or using the start script

Start Scripts (for linux based systems)

Each of these commands should be executed in different terminals.

Step 4 to start all microservices (each of them in separate teminal)

$ ./ <arg> 
$ # Arg Values:
$ # front   : frontend-service
$ # gw : gateway-service
$ # user : user-service
$ # session : session-serice
$ # drs: data-retrieval-service
$ # plot: plot-service
$ # audit   : audit-service
$ # kafaq : kafka-audit-queue-service
$ # kafdq : kafka-data-retrieval-queue-service
$ # kafpq : kafka-plot-queue-service

Fire Services