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REbus facilitates the coupling of existing tools that perform specific tasks, where one's output will be used as the input of others.


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REbus facilitates the coupling of existing tools that perform specific tasks, where one's output will be used as the input of others.

A few task examples:

  • compute file hashes (md5, sha1)
  • apply file identification tools (libmagic, peid, antivirus)
  • extract files from archives
  • extract printable strings from files
  • nmap scans
  • fetch network service banners
  • fingerprint an SSL service to detect weak ciphersuites or configuration

Very quick start

Run the REbus docker image

$ docker run -ti iwseclabs/rebus

Quick start


  • python2.7
  • mercurial (to interact with this repository only)
  • setuptools
  • python2-tornado >= 3.0
  • dbus
  • python2-dbus
  • python2-gobject
  • dbus-glib

Optional dependencies:

  • pip install larch-pickle
  • python2-pika (when rabbitmq bus is used) - version 0.10 at least

To install these dependencies on Arch Linux:

$ pacman -S mercurial python2 python2-setuptools python2-dbus python2-gobject2 dbus-glib python2-tornado python2-magic

To install these dependencies on Debian Jessie:

$ apt-get install mercurial python-setuptools python-dbus python-gobject dbus-x11 python-magic python-tornado

To install these dependencies on Ubuntu 15.04 (vivid) :

$ apt-get install mercurial python-setuptools python-dbus python-gobject dbus-x11 python-tornado python-magic

Quick installation & test:

$ git clone
$ cd rebus
$ python2 ./ install

# list available agents
$ rebus_agent --list-agents

# If DBus is not already running on your machine, or on a headless machine.
# Then run all commands in separate screen tabs.
$ dbus-launch screen
# run the bus master in terminal 1
$ rebus_master dbus

# run a few agents, run each command in separate terminals
$ rebus_agent --bus dbus web_interface
$ rebus_agent --bus dbus unarchive

# open a web browser on http://localhost:8080/
$ firefox http://localhost:8080/

The use of virtualenv is recommended to maintain an isolated Python environment, where any package required by agents can be installed. On Archlinux, the following commands may be used for installation:

$ virtualenv2 --system ~/rebus-virtualenv
$ . ~/rebus-virtualenv/bin/activate
$ git clone
$ cd rebus
$ python ./ develop
# the use of develop instead of install removes the need to re-run
# " install" every time a change is made

Components overview

  • Descriptors_ are REbus messages, conveyed to and from agents
  • Agents wrap external tools, process and generate descriptors
  • the Communication Bus_ lets agents communicate
  • the Storage_ circulates and stores descriptors


Descriptors store agents' outputs and inputs as Python objects.

Descriptors have several properties:

  • selector describes data type (≃ MIME type), contains unique identifier, e.g. /signature/md5/%6e1d5169661a50(...)f989129a583f92b9dee
  • label human name the descriptor relates to
  • uuid group descriptors related to the same analysed object
  • value descriptor value
  • precursors list of parents' selectors
  • agent name agent that produced this descriptor
  • domain separates analyses
  • version integer version if descriptor is updated
  • processing time time taken to compute this descriptor

Descriptors may perform several actions:

  • spawn new descriptor in the same UUID zone
  • spawn new version of the same descriptor
  • create link (linktype) descriptor
  • serialization

Communication Bus

The Bus API performs the following duties:

  • allows agents to push Descriptors_
  • broadcasts new Descriptors_' selectors to every agent (1st stage descriptor filtering by agents)
  • allows agents to filter new descriptors based on their metadata and value (2nd stage filtering)
  • keeps track of which agents have processed each descriptor
  • allows several instances of one agent may run simultaneously
  • conveys requests through the storage API

Three communication buses have been implemented:

  • LocalBus: combine n agents to create a new composite command-line tool
  • DBusBus: sends messages over DBus.
  • RabbitBus: sends messages over RabbitMQ.

When using any of the last two buses, agents are not stopped as soon as processing is finished, which enables user to interact with the bus (ex. use the web interface, inject descriptors interactively)


This bus implementation runs Agents as several threads in a single process.

The bus exits once every agent has finished carrying out its duties (ex. injecting files, processing descriptors).

The run() method of every agent is run in a separate threads. For agents that do not override run(), the thread exits immediately. Processing is performed in threads that have defined this method, typically inject. As agents might not be thread-safe (ex. due to the use of non-thread-safe features of Python objects, non-thread-safe C bindings...), you might want to refrain from using several "inject" agents.


This bus implementation uses DBus as a communication mechanism between the bus master and the agents, to send messages bus and perform remote procedure calls.

This bus implementation runs Agents as separate processes.

The bus exits when the bus master process gets stopped by the user.

Agents may be run remotely, by connecting to a remote DBus server.

This bus allows using the web interface.

This implementation does not support messages over ~134MB.


This bus implementation uses RabbitMQ as a communication mechanism between the bus master and the agents.

This bus implementation runs Agents as separate processes.

The bus exits when the bus master process gets stopped by the user.

This implementation as a few rough edges (known bugs):

  • Queues must not exist, or be empty before the bus master and agents is launched. Leftover messages from previous runs cause bugs.
  • Only 10000 agents may connect to the bus master during its lifetime.
  • At shutdown, depending on how it was initiated, the bus master and/or agents sometimes enter an infinite loop and must be killed.

These bugs should be resolved in future versions. Nevertheless, this bus implementation is deemed reliable.


The storage API provides the following services to agents:

  • find descriptor by selector regex
  • find descriptor by uuid
  • load/store agent internal state (bus resuming)
  • mark descriptor as processed, list unprocessed descriptors

Two storage backends have currently been implemented:

  • RAMStorage: stored data is forgotten when the bus exits
  • Diskstorage: stores data as files. The bus may be stopped and resumed later


Agents process Descriptors_, and usually act as an interface between the Communication Bus_ and external tools.

Some agents are short-lived as they perfom only one task, then exit. The inject agent or ls agent are such examples. These agents override the run() method.

Most agents process Descriptors_ they are interested in. These agents override the process() and/or bulk_process() methods.

Operation Modes

Agents that use Descriptors_ as input override the process() and/or bulk_process() methods. These methods are called by the Communication Bus_ according to the Operation Mode this agent is in.

By default, agents support all operation modes. The list of supported operation modes as well as the default operation mode can be overridden by defining the operationmodes attribute in an Agent.

Automatic operation mode

Agents that run in automatic mode process every descriptor they are interested in as soon as they are received, provided the agent is not busy processing another Descriptor at that time.

Interactive operation mode

Agents that run in interactive mode indicate to the Communication Bus_ that they are able to process Descriptors_ they are interested in. The actual processing is performed whenever the Communication Bus_ requests it, usually when the user has requested it.

Idle operation mode

Agents that run in idle operation mode indicate to the Communication Bus_ that they are able to process Descriptors_ they are interested in. These descriptors get processed when the Communication Bus_ indicates that all Descriptors_ have been processed or marked processable; the bus is said to be "idle" at that time.

To receive all such descriptors at once, agents may override the bulk_process method.

Provided agents

A few agents are provided with REbus. Their purpose is to assist using the bus, not to perform any data analysis.

  • inject inject local files in the bus
  • httplistener inject Descriptors_ from HTTP POST requests
  • ls list descriptors
  • unarchive recursively extract archives, inject contained files
  • return output descriptors to stdout if selector matches regexp
  • link_finder find link between descriptors, e.g.\ same file type
  • link_grapher create graphs from links between descriptors
  • dotrenderer rendering dot to svg
  • web_interface web interface

Rebus Infrastructure launcher (bin/rebus_infra)

rebus_infra stands for REbus infractructure. This script deploys a REbus bus and its agents based on a configuration file.

$ rebus_infra configuration_file.yaml

This file must contain at least a 'master' and an 'agents' section at the root of the document.

Those two sections contain the following attributes:

  • Master Section

    • bus : 'localbus', 'dbus' or 'rabbit'
    • logfile : The logfile's path
    • verbose_level : Verbosity level for this agent, between 0 and 3
    • storage : 'ramstorage' or 'diskstorage'
  • Agents Section

    • busaddr : Address of the dbus bus

    • modules : All the (Python) modules to load

    • stages : Describes all the stages in the execution order

      • agents : list of agents to execute in the stage in the execution order

      • == alternative 1 ==

      • agent_name : 'parameters'

      • == alternative 2 ==

      • agent_name :

        • params: parameters
        • verbose_level: Verbosity level for this agent, between 0 and 3

Here is an example of a configuration file for 'rebus_infra'

# =================== Bus Master =============================

  bus: dbus
  logfile: /tmp/rebus_master.log
  verbose_level: 0

# ===================  Agents ===============================

  #busaddr: unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-muyzQoNsLE
    - agents:
        - inject:
            params: /bin/bash /bin/ls
            verbose_level: 3
        - inject: /bin/cp
    - agents:
        - ls:
            params: "/binary/elf"
            verbose_level: 3
 $ rebus_infra -f /etc/rebus/rebus-infra-config-example.yaml
INFO:rebus:Starting stage 0
INFO:rebus.bus.dbus:Agent inject registered with id inject-:1.149 on domain default
INFO:rebus.agent:[inject-:1.149] Agent inject registered on bus dbus with id inject-:1.149
INFO:rebus.agent:[inject-:1.149] Restore state: ''
DEBUG:rebus.agent:[inject-:1.149] pushed default:/binary/elf/%da92956d6f6e4068af9cc82a1d52d897201dd2a89e3786cbe6173190ad9e604c(bash)=[2307233]['\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01\x...], not already present: True
DEBUG:rebus.agent:[inject-:1.149] pushed default:/binary/elf/%13eab6034d09927e519835e2cfad225f43c204c60f522f492e2b796a0877011c(ls)=[358061]['\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01\x...], not already present: True
INFO:rebus:Starting stage 0
INFO:rebus.bus.dbus:Agent ls registered with id ls-:1.150 on domain default
INFO:rebus.agent:[ls-:1.150] Agent ls registered on bus dbus with id ls-:1.150
INFO:rebus.agent:[ls-:1.150] Restore state: ''

Building the documentation

This documentation is generated automatically, based only (for now) on source code comments.

$ cd rebus/doc

Make sure sphinx-apidoc2 and sphinx-build2 are installed on your system. Override the SPHINXBUILD and SPHINXAPIDOC if the executables are named differently.

$ make generate

This will overwrite .rst files in source/.

$ make singlehtml

REbus resources

REbus has been presented at SSTIC 2015. Slides and video (in french) can be found at


REbus is released under a BSD 2-clause licence.


REbus facilitates the coupling of existing tools that perform specific tasks, where one's output will be used as the input of others.







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