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Swift Package Manager compatible

The AirRobeWidget iOS SDK provides conveniences to make your AirRobeWidget integration experience as smooth and straightforward as possible. We're working on crafting a great framework for developers with easy drop in components to integrate our widgets easy for your customers.



  • iOS 13.0+
  • Swift 5.3+
  • Xcode 12.0+

Swift Package Manager (recommended)

This is the recommended integration method.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "x.x.x"))

TODOs: CocoaPods, Carthage - Coming Soon

Getting Started

The AirRobe SDK contains UI components for Opt-In, Multi-Opt-In Views as well as Confirmation View.


You are going to need AppId from the Provider which will be used to get the Category Mapping Infos and initialize the sub-widgets.


    config: AirRobeWidgetConfig(
        appId: "APP_ID",           // required
        mode: enum                 // optional - (.production or .sandbox), default value is .production

Color configuration

AirRobeWidget.AirRobeTextColor = .systemBlue       // the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeBorderColor = .blue           // the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeLinkTextColor = .brown        // the color of the widget legal copy text. default value is "#696969"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeArrowColor = .yellow          // the color of the widget drop down arrow icon. default value is "#42ABC8"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeSeparatorColor = .yellow      // the color of the learn more popup view separators. default value is "#DFDFDF"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeSwitchColor = .yellow         // the color of the widget switch ON color. default value is "#42ABC8"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeButtonTextColor = .yellow     // the color of the widget activate button text. default value is "#232323"
AirRobeWidget.AirRobeButtonBorderColor = .yellow   // the color of the widget activate button border. default value is "#232323"


Opt-In View Initialization

var airRobeOptIn = AirRobeOptIn()
    brand: String?,                  // optional - e.g. "Chanel", can be nil
    material: String?,               // optional - e.g. "Leather", can be nil
    category: String,                // required - e.g. "Hats/fancy-hats"
    department: String?,             // optional - e.g. "Kidswear"
    priceCents: Double,              // required - e.g. 100.95
    originalFullPriceCents: Double?, // optional - e.g. 62.00, can be nil
    rrpCents: Double?,               // optional - e.g. 62.00, can be nil
    currency: String,                // optional - default is "AUD"
    locale: String                   // optional - default is "en-AU"

// Color configuration
airRobeOptIn.borderColor = .red         // the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF"
airRobeOptIn.linkTextColor = .yellow    // the color of the widget legal copy text. default value is "#696969"
airRobeOptIn.textColor = .blue          // the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323"
airRobeOptIn.arrowColor = .black        // the color of the widget drop down arrow icon. default value is "#42ABC8"
airRobeOptIn.switchColor = .black       // the color of the widget switch ON color. default value is "#42ABC8"

Multi-Opt-In View Initialization

var airRobeMultiOptIn = AirRobeMultiOptIn()
    items: [String], // required - e.g. ["Accessories", "Accessories/Beauty", "Accessories/Bags/Leather bags/Weekender/Handbags", "Accessories/Bags/Clutches/Bum Bags"]

// Color configuration
airRobeMultiOptIn.borderColor = .red         // the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF"
airRobeMultiOptIn.linkTextColor = .yellow    // the color of the widget legal copy text. default value is "#696969"
airRobeMultiOptIn.textColor = .blue          // the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323"
airRobeMultiOptIn.arrowColor = .black        // the color of the widget drop down arrow icon. default value is "#42ABC8"
airRobeMultiOptIn.switchColor = .black       // the color of the widget switch ON color. default value is "#42ABC8"

Confirmation View Initialization

var airRobeConfirmation = AirRobeConfirmation()
    orderId: String,           // required - e.g. "123456" - the order id you got from the checkout.
    email: String,             // required
    orderSubtotalCents: Int,   // required - Sum of line item prices including tax, less discounts, excluding any shipping costs.
    currency: String,          // optional - the ISO 4217 currency code for the order subtotal, defaulting to "AUD" if omitted.
    fraudRisk: Bool            // optional - fraud status for the confirmation widget, default value is `false`.

// Color configuration
airRobeConfirmation.borderColor = .red           // the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF"
airRobeConfirmation.textColor = .blue            // the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323"
airRobeConfirmation.buttonBorderColor = .black   // the color of the widget activate button border. default value is "#232323"
airRobeConfirmation.buttonTextColor = .black     // the color of the widget activate button text. default value is "#232323"

Clear Cache (Opt value reset)


Reset Order (OrderOptedIn value reset)


Get Order-Opted-In value


Check Multi-Opt-In Eligibility

AirRobeWidget.checkMultiOptInEligibility(items: [String]) -> Bool

Check Confirmation Widget Eligibility

AirRobeWidget.checkConfirmationEligibility(orderId: String, email: String, fraudRisk: Bool) -> Bool

Track Page View

AirRobeWidget.trackPageView(pageName: String)


The example project demonstrates how to include AirRobeWidget UI components.



Building and running the project is as simple as cloning the repository, opening AirRobeDemo.xcodeproj and building the AirRobeDemo target.