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Releases: airspy/airspyone_firmware

Airspy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc10-6

08 May 10:04
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This release improves the overall phase noise, tuning accuracy, dynamic range and spur responses.
What changed:

  • More accurate R820T/2 tuning.
  • Fast R820T/2 register update by only sending the actual changes. Useful for fast scanning.
  • The R820T/2 reference clock is now fed directly from the 25 MHz TCXO. No noise contribution from PLL_A at all when using the internal TCXO.
  • The MCU and ADC reference clock is now using PLL_B of Si5351 in Integer mode with power of two dividers.
  • EXT_CLK now feeds PLL_A for the R820T/2 and PLL_B for the LPC4370 with optimal Integer Mode and power of two dividers.
  • Drive level reduced to 2mA per clock. This significantly reduces the spurs.
For flashing under Windows:
  - 1. Extract the archive ``
  - 2. Connect Airspy with USB to your computer
  - 3. Launch `airspy_spiflash.bat` from extracted archive directory
  - 4. Disconnect Airspy from USB computer
  - 5. Connect Airspy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc10

24 Sep 09:27
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Modifications for rc10:

  • Optimized AirSpy Mini configuration clock frequency (decreased to 48MHz Init & 120MHz streaming) (lower temperature up to 2°C)
  • Fixed R820T2 init/standby/cache management side effects (mainly avoid writing to R820T2 regs when in standby)
  • Fix version_string (firmware version) to always include end of string character (0)
- This firmware support 10MSPS & experimental 2.5MSPS for AirSpy NOS R0/R2
- This firmware support 6MSPS & 3MSPS for AirSpy Mini
  • MD5 for (build on 2016-06-19):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    83ecbc66a77eb57ff943b850b4c416e2 *airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 21508 bytes
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc9

12 Jun 21:49
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Modifications for rc9:

  • Unified calibration for AirSpy NOS R0/R2 and AirSpy Mini (do not use anymore SI5351C for calibration)
  • For calibration see Airspy Calibration Tool included in SDR Software Package
  • PowerOn / Standby power consumption optimized on R820T2
- This firmware support 10MSPS & experimental 2.5MSPS for AirSpy NOS R0/R2
- This firmware support 6MSPS & 3MSPS for AirSpy Mini
  • MD5 for (build on 2016-06-12):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    d95d9e7a9e98c5d7b76e3485e90b4c56 *airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 21380 bytes
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc8

05 Jun 22:36
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Modifications for rc8:

  • Add support of TCXO calibration for AirSpy NOS R0/R2 and AirSpy Mini
  • Add new command usb_vendor_request_erase_sector_spiflash in order to erase sector 2 to 13 as sector 0 & 1 are reserved (each sector is 64KB)
  • Add spiflash w25q80bv_read function (now we can read spiflash before we was reading internal memory)
- This firmware support 10MSPS & experimental 2.5MSPS for AirSpy NOS R0/R2
- This firmware support 6MSPS & 3MSPS for AirSpy Mini
  • MD5 for (build on 2016-06-06):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    631e06d999aa9937d1c8d9cdaabc36e8 *airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 21 380 bytes
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc7

23 Apr 17:44
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Modifications for rc7:

  • Fix issue storing the build date inside firmware #13 thanks to martinzsmith for the fix
  • Unified AirSpy firmware, support multiple AirSpy board type with same firmware
  • Unified multiple configurations files to one configuration per board with multiple expansion points
  • Add management of alternative configurations
  • Add management of samplerate in KHz (in addition to index)
- This firmware support 10MSPS & experimental 2.5MSPS for AirSpy NOS R0/R2
- This firmware support 6MSPS & 3MSPS for AirSpy Mini
  • MD5 for (build on 2016-04-23):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    1a7ae43ce0bb713e20af89d7868990b4 airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 19 548 bytes
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

The new samplerate option in KHz is supported since v1.0.8 host tools & airspy library see

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc6

13 Jul 22:48
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Modifications for rc6:

  • Added support for bit-packing (packing ADC samples to 12bits instead of using 16bits, packing use 25% less USB bandwidth versus No Packing)
    (Thanks to MM6DOS for that amazing feature, thanks also to Pierre HB9FUF for the initial packing proof-of-concept)
  • Some cleanup/refactor/optimizations (mainly USB Stack)
  • MD5 for (build on 2015-07-14):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    262bc03869d13ed9dbb5d80a9a2eca43 airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 18 848 bytes
- This firmware support only 10MSPS & 2.5MSPS.
- Becareful if you build it yourself the `date` of the day is included in `airspy_rom_to_ram.bin`, 
so if you want to have same MD5 you need to change your PC date to 2015-07-14 just before to build it.
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

The new bit-packing option is supported since v1.0.6 host tools & airspy library see

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc5

20 May 18:18
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Modifications for rc5:

  • Enhanced the tuning resolution by 4x and the filter shape of the R820T2.
    • The average tuning delta is now 3.209843 Hz between 100 and 200MHz.
  • Support of automatic lock on the External Clock Input at start up.
    • The clock must be 10MHz 3.3V CMOS Square or Sin.
  • Cleanup, no functional changes (mainly replacing airspy_samplerate_t enum by uint32_t).
  • MD5 for (build on 2015-05-20):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    8312a36b5b7e1b276061a12049bc37a9 airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 18 084 bytes
- This firmware support only 10MSPS & 2.5MSPS.
- Becareful if you build it yourself the `date` of the day is included in `airspy_rom_to_ram.bin`, 
so if you want to have same MD5 you need to change your PC date to 2015-05-20 just before to build it.
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc4

22 Mar 16:43
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Modifications for rc4:

- This firmware support only 10MSPS & 2.5MSPS.
- Becareful if you build it yourself the `date` of the day is included in `airspy_rom_to_ram.bin`, 
so if you want to have same MD5 you need to change your PC date to 2015-03-22 just before to build it.
  • To flash the latest firmware in attachment
  • For Windows:
      1. Extract the archive
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
      1. Launch airspy_spiflash.bat from extracted archive directory
      1. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
      1. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software

AirSpy Firmware first public version v1.0.0-rc3

09 Jan 19:53
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Modifications since v0.9.9 Beta, rc1 & rc2:

  • Support of M0s (in libopencm3 & airspy) (for future custom firmware 3rd party ... M0s is fully available)
  • Code cleanup (removing unused functions ...)
  • Center the tracking filter on the RX frequency rather than the LO
  • Fix freeze on start/stop with some boards
  • MD5 for (build on 2015-01-09):
    md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    b90fc2b73d84b67e12a4d6ec4ad5bb5d airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
    airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 17 808 bytes
    Becareful if you build it yourself the date of the day is included in airspy_rom_to_ram.bin,
    so if you want to have same MD5 you need to change your PC date to 2015-01-09 just before to build it.

* To flash the latest firmware in attachment ``
* For Windows:
  * 1. Extract the archive
  * 2. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
  * 3. Launch `airspy_spiflash.bat` from extracted archive directory
  * 4. Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
  * 5. Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software