Aiv.Tween portable .Net module. Tested with AIV libraries and Unity3D
This is a reflection-based Tween implementation + a bunch of Easing functions taken from the project
Its main usage is teaching reflection, delegates and events
Just download the unity package and import in your project
place the DLL in your project or add the Tween.cs file (found into src/). The Easing.cs file contains the easing functions and it is totally optional
Unit tests:
they use NUnit (a complete solution is available in the repository)
Each animation sequence should be mapped to a Aiv.Tween.Tween
using Aiv.Tween;
Tween idleAnimation = new Tween();
On the Tween class you can call (and chain like in common tween implementaions) various methods describing the animation steps
Tween idleAnimation = new Tween();
idleAnimation.To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f);
this will update the transform.position (like in Unity3D) field with the value Vector3(0, 17, 0) in 3.5 seconds
You can add multiple iterations to the same keyframe:
Tween idleAnimation = new Tween();
idleAnimation.To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, GetComponent<Renderer>().material, new {color =}, 3.5f);
Note: the last argument is always the animation time/length
Once the animation is configured you need to start it:
Tween idleAnimation = new Tween();
idleAnimation.To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f);
A started animation requires to be updated with time values (look at the chain usage !)
using Aiv.Tween;
using UnityEngine;
public class TweenBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
private Tween idleAnimation;
void Start() {
idleAnimation = new Tween().To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0), position = new Vector3(2, 4, 6) }, 1.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -90, 0) }, 1.5f).
void Update() {
If you prefer to use the Time.deltaTime approach (instead of absolute timestamps) you can use the DeltaUpdate() method:
using Aiv.Tween;
using UnityEngine;
public class TweenBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
private Tween idleAnimation;
void Start() {
idleAnimation = new Tween().To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0) }, 1.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -90, 0) }, 1.5f).
void Update() {
Note for Unity: use transform.eulerAngles for rotations, as Quaternions cannot be easily interpolated
You can chain a simple sleep in you animation:
using Aiv.Tween;
using UnityEngine;
public class TweenBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
private Tween idleAnimation;
void Start() {
idleAnimation = new Tween().To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0) }, 1.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -90, 0) }, 1.5f).
void Update() {
this will wait 5 seconds before starting rotating the object, and 10 seconds before rotating back
By default each animation is played one time.
You can increase the number of played iterations using the Repeat() method:
using Aiv.Tween;
using UnityEngine;
public class TweenBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
private Tween idleAnimation;
void Start() {
idleAnimation = new Tween().To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0) }, 1.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -90, 0) }, 1.5f).
void Update() {
this will repeat the animation 10 times before ending
Note: passing -1 to Repeat() will infinitely loop the animation
Like Repeat(-1)
This method allows to insert custom function calls in the animation chain:
using Aiv.Tween;
using UnityEngine;
public class TweenBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
private Tween idleAnimation;
void Start() {
idleAnimation = new Tween().To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0) }, 1.5f).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -90, 0) }, 1.5f).
void Update() {
private void SayHello(Tween t) {
will print "Hello" after each animation keyframe
you can use lambdas too
using Aiv.Tween;
using UnityEngine;
public class TweenBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
private Tween idleAnimation;
void Start() {
idleAnimation = new Tween().To(transform, new { position = new Vector3(0, 17, 0) }, 3.5f).
Call(t => Debug.Log("Hello")).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0) }, 1.5f).
Call(t => Debug.Log("Hello")).
To(transform, new { eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -90, 0) }, 1.5f).
Call(t => Debug.Log("Hello")).
void Update() {
You can stop an animation whenever you want with the Stop() method. The Stop() method is automatically called on Animation end.
To restart a stopped animation you need to call Start() again
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) {
'rotating' here is a Tween animation
Currently the following events are defined:
public delegate void StartHandler(Tween sender);
public delegate void StopHandler(Tween sender);
public delegate void UpdateHandler(Tween sender);
public event StartHandler OnStart;
public event StopHandler OnStop;
public event UpdateHandler OnUpdate;