A simple Swift framework that enables fetching of yearly Formula 1 and Formula E data.
Using the framework you can obtain basic information about drivers, their team constructors and the circuits they were driving on.
The data is retrieved using the Ergast Developer API.
Since this framework has pod dependencies (Alamofire, RxAlamofire, RxSwift/RxCocoa, OHHTTPStubs) it is only available to use as a pod.
To use this framework in your project through CocoaPods, add this to your podfile:
pod 'FormulaAPI', :git => 'https://github.com/aivcec/FormulaAPI.git'
If you want to develop this pod alongside your main project (add it to development pods) you need to clone this repo and put this in your project podfile:
pod 'FormulaAPI', :path => '../FormulaAPI'
Where '../FormulaAPI', is the path to the cloned project.