Cloud-init is an init script that initializes a cloud node (VM) according to the fetched configuration data from the admin node.
Download the cloud-init ZIP file and transfer the ZIP file to an AIX machine. The instruction below will use /tmp/CLOUD-INIT as the workspace for building the AIX cloud-init RPM package.
- mkdir /tmp/CLOUD-INIT
- cp /tmp/CLOUD-INIT
- cd /tmp/CLOUD-INIT
Extract the cloud-init ZIP file
- jar -xvf
Rename the folder from cloud-init-0.7.5-master to cloud-init-0.7.5
- mv cloud-init-0.7.5 cloud-init-0.7.5
Add executable permission to executable files
- chmod -Rf +x /tmp/CLOUD-INIT/cloud-init-0.7.5/tools
- chmod -Rf +x /tmp/CLOUD-INIT/cloud-init-0.7.5/bin
Copy the spec file from cloud-init to the RPM build packages path
- cp /tmp/CLOUD-INIT/cloud-init-0.7.5/packages/aix/ /opt/freeware/src/packages/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
tar and gzip the cloudinit file so that RPM can build it
- tar -cvf cloud-init-0.7.5.tar cloud-init-0.7.5
- gzip cloud-init-0.7.5.tar
Copy the cloudinit gzip file to the RPM directory to be built
- cp cloud-init-0.7.5.tar.gz /opt/freeware/src/packages/SOURCES/cloud-init-0.7.5.tar.gz
Build the cloudinit RPM
- rpm -v -bb /opt/freeware/src/packages/SPECS/cloud-init.spec
Install the cloud-init RPM package.
- rpm -ivh /opt/freeware/src/packages/RPMS/ppc/cloud-init-0.7.5-4.1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
The following RPM packages are needed to install python and cloud-init on AIX. The RPM packages can be obtained from the following website:
The following packages are listed in the order it was installed.
Packages needed for installing python on AIX
- the RPM flag of --nodeps is needed for installing gettext-0.17-8.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
- [bzip2-1.0.6-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [db-4.8.24-4.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [expat-2.1.0-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [gmp-5.1.3-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [libffi-3.0.11-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [openssl-1.0.1g-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [zlib-1.2.5-6.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [gettext-0.17-8.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [gdbm-1.10-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [libiconv-1.14-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [bash-4.2-9.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [info-5.0-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [readline-6.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [ncurses-5.9-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [sqlite-]
- [python-2.7.6-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [fdupes-1.51-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-devel-2.7.6-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-xml-0.8.4-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-boto-2.34.0-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-argparse-1.2.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-cheetah-2.4.4-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-configobj-5.0.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-jsonpointer-1.0.c1ec3df-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-jsonpatch-1.8-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-oath-1.0.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-pyserial-2.7-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-prettytable-0.7.2-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-requests-2.4.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [libyaml-0.1.4-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-PyYAML-3.11-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm]
- [python-six-1.3.0-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]
- [python-setuptools-0.9.8-2.aix6.1.noarch.rpm]