Components repo displays components which are made for developers to easily integrate in their applications. All components include Chute SDK library and are used for different social activities.
All components are written for the Android OS and assume you have the basic knowledge of JAVA and Android programming, that you have the android SDK and JDK setup and you are using Eclipse IDE with the android developer tools plugins installed. Since most of the components will work with code samples written for Android, any IDE other than Eclipse might be used for development.
Demonstrates adding comments on photos and saving the comments.
Searches for images on the device, displays the images in a grid and enables selecting as many images as users want.
Displays a grid of image thumbnails from any gallery.
Creates a list of chutes organized in a chute collection.
Enables sharing photos with Facebook, Twitter, or via email.
Diplays photos in a swipable gallery.
An expanded version of Cloud Gallery which supports photo sharing, hearting and commenting.
Any photo managed by Chute.
A container for assets. Chutes can be nested inside of each other.
Collection of GCLocalAssetModel.
Collection of GCAssetModel.
Collection of GCChuteModel.