This is forked from hyperapp/router and extracts the match logic into a framework agnostic Matcher. Additional handling of meta tag diffing on route changes, has also been added, using array of route objects [{path, view, meta}] instead of an array of arrays which I feel is clearer in the code.
The defaultMeta provided to the Router will allow defaults for routes that choose not to specify a meta value, anything supplied to a route meta object will be merged with defaultMeta via Object.assign({}, defaultMeta, match.meta)
There are meta tags that cause bugs in certain browsers if modified after page load, these are skipped in our meta diff to avoid issues: origin, referrer, viewport. ( any other key value pair should work in the meta object )
import { h, app } from "hyperapp";
import { router, updateMeta, Link, Router, Route } from "@ajces/router";
import { Header, Nav, Footer, About, Profile, Nested, NestedRoutes } from "./components";
state: { count: 0 },
view: (state, actions) => (
<Header />
<Nav />
title: "Hyperapp Meta Router!",
description: "hyperapp componad based routing experiment",
keywords: "hyperapp, routing, router, meta",
author: "Andy Johnson"
<Route path="/" meta={params => ({ title: "Home" })} component={props => (
<Link to="/about" go={actions.router.go} />
<Link to="/profile/andy" go={actions.router.go} />
)} />
<Route path="/about" onroute={match => console.log(match)} component={About} />
<Route path="/profile/:user" meta={params => ({ title: `Profile - ${params.user}` })} component={Profile} />
<Route path="/nested" component={Nested}>
<Route path="/routes" onroute={match => console.log("matched path /nested/routes")} component={NestedRoutes}>
<Footer />
mixins: [router()]
@ajces/router is MIT licensed. See LICENSE.