The aim of the Senior Design Project is to create an FPGA to take in a streaming waveform and produce its Spectral Energy.
To simplify the problem, we assumed we had a given waveform of 20HZ, 50HZ, and 150 HZ, with noise in it, and to window the data to get a real-time update of the Spectral Energy. We would also filter out The 20 HZ portion of our signal. The accuracy of the project will be a comparison between the Spectral Energy produced in Matlab versus the Spectral Energy produced on the FPGA. The overall process is as follows:
- Obtain Waveform
- Filter Waveform
- Window Data
- Apply a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Obtain the magnitude of the FFT
- Update Given Matlab Files
- Output the input wave and filter coefficients into *.coe files
- Visualize the Spectral Energy
We began prototyping our algorithm in Matlab, taking note on what the expected outcome should be. We tweaked the example matlab files given to us to keep the overall structure the same, but using our own custom made algorithms. Our filter matched the design of omitting 20 HZ signal. A roadblock we ran into was deciding how large the window should be, as well as how much overlap should there be within concurrent windows. The trade off was to decide if we wanted the program to run slow at bigger window size to get a more accurate magnitudes or to have a faster program. We found that a window size of 256 with 75% data overlap was the fastest we could go before there was no noticeable difference in the spectral analysis.
We outputed our initial input wave with noise, as well as our filter. The FIR filter turns out to be symmetrical, so only half the coeffcients were needed.
The design specified we needed 5 windows of Spectral Energy to compare with our FPGA
- Create a Filter Module for applying an FIR filter to the data
- Create an FFT Module that takes in input, and outputs the Fourier Transform
- Implement a 2-FFT Module for the base case in the FFT calculation
- Implement an N-FFT Module that did the entire FFT
- Create a Top level Module to act as a controller
As a result of time constraints, we decided to go with the “code now, optimize later” mentality. We felt that it was much more important to show completeness of the module, and worry about optimizations afterwards. In addition, because simulations that run on our individual computers tend to be slower, we did whatever time optimizations without regard to area, so we could to speed up the simulation.
For the filter module, we decided to use an internal 55 register cache(since our filter was 55 units long) to store the inputs as they came in for use in computation later. This helped take down initial hurdle of worrying about loading and storing values. While this does help in speed, it does take up some space on the board. An optimization on this at a later time is to convert the registers into a RAM bus, and pipeline the FSM to minimize waiting cycles.
The FFT we implemented was based off of the 2-Latex Cooley-Tukey Algorithm. Almost all implementations will showcase a recursive solution, yet we needed an iterative solution. As a result we created our own version and validated it with Matlab's internal FFT function.
#Assume filt_x is the filtered input
X = filt_x(1:256);
stride = 1;
r= 128/stride;
for d = (0:1:stride-1)
a = X(k+d);
b = X(k+d+stride);
X(k+d) = a + exp(-2*pi/256*(1i)*r*d)*b;
X(k+d+stride) = a - exp(-2*pi/256*(1i)*r*d)*b;
stride= stride*2;
rX = abs(real(X));
iX = abs(imag(X));
absX = max(rX,iX)+ min(rX,iX)/4;
To easily implement this algorithm on the FPGA, we created a 2-FFT Module that handles the main mathematics of the FFT, and a N-FFT Module that does the overarching algorithm.
The 2-FFT module takes in the real and imaginary parts of two numbers, applies a 2 Fourier Transform and outputs the respective real and imaginary parts. This opeartion creates a butterfly structure that is replicated throughout for the N-FFT. To prevent calculation of cosine and sine functions on the FPGA, we created a lookup table that had precomputed values of these functions. We could have easily only used one lookup table by exploiting the fact that sine and cosine are out of phase by pi/2; however, since our ram only had one read access at a time, this would hamper the cycles.
The N-FFT focused on the overall algorithm, and we created an FSM that emulated the loops, including a pre process and post process phase similar to how one would write Assembly code. This ends up with wasted cycles, but in return we gain high level clarity of the algorithm that helps us in any debugging we needed. Again, we implemented 2 256-register caches, each to house the real and imaginary parts of the FFT respectively. We also utilized if conditionals for the sake of speed and clarity. As a result, we end up with a bloated FPGA. A future optimization on this portion is to simplify the FSM to limit wasted cycles, convert the 256-register caches into RAM and pipeline the read/write processing, and convert if conditionals into combinational logic. If pipelined correctly, we should not see a large difference in runtime.
Our Top level Module simply acted as the controller for the entire process. By modularizing the Filter and N-FFT processes, the Top level Module orchestrates the communication of when to filter and when to FFT. We choose that each module should have start,ready, and valid bits indicating when a module should start, when the module is ready to start, and when the module has a valid output. The top level module uses this handshaking for its processing. In addition, it windowed the data with a size of 256 and 75% overlap as specified. Overall it ran 5 iterations of filtering and FFT since we needed5 windows to compare with our Matlab results. It should be noted that all modules shared the floating point adders and multipliers as well as the RAMS, and the top level module was also responsible for switching access for each module.
- Output Data
- Compare Filter SSE
- Compare Window SSE
At the end of the filtering phase and the end of obtaining the magnitude of the spectral energy, we simply printed the data out to console and input it into MATLAB to evaluate the sum of square errors: in Matlab, this is a 2-norm squared. Graphs can be seen in the Reports folder.
- 2.0118e-11
- Win1 SSE: 8.8507e-09
- Win2 SSE: 8.4525e-09
- Win3 SSE: 1.2749e-08
- Win4 SSE: 8.6019e-09
- Win5 SSE: 8.8437e-09
Due to time constraints(FINALS!!), we had to give up some design aspects in order to meet the deadline. We have a fully functioning simulation that solves the initial problem statement within a great degree of accuracy. While we spent more optimizations on clock cycles to get us to our goal faster with our “code now optimize later” mentality, we unfortunately increased our total area. Our circuit takes too long to synthesize, and we cannot get an accurate reading on total area used, but we are pretty certain we went way over what was required for the board. If we had more time, we would go through and implement the optimizations that we suggested earlier to decrease the total area of the board.