Configuration files for my Arch Linux system
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
Use the bash script
to install dotfiles by creating symlinks to the proper directories (gnu-stow must be installed).
Script usage:
./stow <pack1> [<pack2> ...] create symlinks for specified packages
./unstow <pack1> [<pack2> ...] remove symlinks for specified packages
./restow <pack1> [<pack2> ...] remove and then recreate symlinks for specified packages
This script will read the file index
to determine which files go where.
File format for index
One package per line, does not have to be in alphabetical order.
<package name>: <directory>
<package2>: <directory>
- python-neovim and python2-neovim for python plugins
- xsel for integration with the X clipboard
Plugins listed in the init.vim file must be present for it to work.
- YouCompleteMe also needs clang and boost to work.
- i3blocks for status bar
- i3lock and xautolock for screen lock
- compton for transpareency and other effects
- dunst - notification daemon
- xcape - to remap CapsLock to Esc and Ctrl
- sidebar patch
- urlview for opening urls in a browser
- gnupg for encrypting/signing emails
- diff-so-fancy for fancy diffs
- i3status for status bar
- light - backlight control that does not depend on X
Here are some other dotfile repositories that I got some ideas from (also some interesting setups or utilities):
- xero/dotfiles
- dylanaraps/fetch
- others ...