Fast way of creating a random character for Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th ed.
stands for Call of Cthulhu Character
. It's a python package design to create a full characters for Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th ed. demonstrates a power of cochar
- Project Title
- Summary
- Table of Contents
- Installation
- Usage
- Dependencies
- Documentation
- Contribution
- Web version
- Author
- License
pip3 install cochar
>>> from cochar import create_character
>>> person = create_character(1925, "US")
>>> person
>>> Character(year=1925, country='US', first_name='Anthem', last_name='Pharr', age=22, sex='M', occupation='doctor of medicine', strength=33, condition=30, size=78, dexterity=40, appearance=23, education=87, intelligence=65, power=50, move_rate=7, luck=38, skills={'first aid': 38, 'language [latin]': 9, 'medicine': 73, 'science [biology]': 48, 'ride': 64, 'anthropology': 6, 'charm': 46, 'intimidate': 32, 'art/craft (sculptor)': 9, 'credit rating': 74, 'dodge': 20}, damage_bonus='0', build=0, dodge=20, sanity_points=50, magic_points=10, hit_points=10)
Default settings are defined in ./data/settings.json
"min_age": 15,
"max_age": 90,
"max_skill_level": 90,
"year": 1925,
"age": null,
"sex": null,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"country": "US",
"occupation": null,
"weights": true,
"database": "",
"show_warnings": false,
"occupation_type": null,
"era": null,
"tags": null
depends on randname module for generating random names.
For more details please see:
Detailed documentation of module can by found here: cochar documentation
If you want to contribute to cochar
project read contribution for more information.
Web application is not a part of
Web application was design to present the power of cochar
package. You can check it out on
Adam Walkiewicz
Cochar is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPL v3