A command-line wrapper using utilities from dart_dependency_checker for checking dependencies within Dart/Flutter packages.
dart pub global activate dart_dependency_checker_cli
# Dependencies used command
ddc deps-used -p /some/package
## with alias
ddc du -p /some/package
# Dependencies unused command
ddc deps-unused -p /some/package --dev-ignores lints,build_runner
## with aliases
ddc dun -p /some/package --di lints,build_runner
# Transitive use command
ddc transitive-use -p /some/package --main-ignores async,meta
## with aliases
ddc tu -p /some/package --mi async,meta
Or even:
# With instant fix
ddc deps-unused --fix
# Json as output
ddc deps-unused --json
# In a wild mono repo environment
melos exec -c1 -- ddc deps-unused
# Run everywhere
for d in */ ; do (cd $d && ddc deps-unused); done;
- Command
: Utilizedart pub deps -s compact --no-dev
to extract the origin of a direct/transitive dependency.
See the LICENSE file.
See the CHANGELOG.md file.