This project contains the code for a simulator of an NBA season aimed at understanding tanking behavior.
For general requirements, check the "compat" section under Project.toml
. If PyPlot
is available, the figures in the paper can be plotted using do_plotting=true
in the commands below.
On a Mac, for plotting, one needs to install XQuartz.
Gurobi is needed. To install, you need to use"Gurobi")
in a shell in which the GUROBI_HOME
variable is defined or Gurobi
can be found on the PATH
. E.g., on Mac, GUROBI_HOME
is set to /Library/<gurobiversion>/mac64
Before running the code, you should instatiate the environment. It is further strongly recommended to create a sysimage, the steps for which should be automatically performed if you type make
from the main project directory on a Linux or Mac.
To run a simulation, parse NBA data, and reproduce data regarding noisiness of the reverse order ranking, first change directories to the julia
subdirectory, then start julia
, type ]
to enter pkg
mode, and type activate ./
to activate the tanking environment. Type instantiate
to get the required packages. Afterwards, pressing backspace
will return you to the normal prompt. You can also run julia --project
to avoid the activate
step above.
The code can be run with the following commands:
using Tanking
Tanking.main_simulate(do_simulation=1, num_replications=100000, do_plotting=false, mode=Tanking.STRICT, math_elim_mode=-2, gamma=0.71425)
Tanking.main_parse(do_plotting=false, mode=Tanking.STRICT)
Tanking.rankings_are_noisy(do_simulation=true, num_replications=100000, do_plotting=false, mode=Tanking.STRICT)
repesents the base true ranking.mode = STRICT: true ranking is strict. 1 > 2 > ... > 30 mode = TIES: true ranking has ties. [1,5] > [6,10] > ... > [26,30] mode = BT_DISTR: each team gets a strength score based on random distribution (either Beta(1,1) = uniform, or Beta(2,5)), and game winners are determined by (Zermelo-)Bradley-Terry model mode = BT_EXPONENTIAL: same as mode = 3, except winners are determined with exponential version of the Bradley-Terry model mode = BT_ESTIMATED: each team gets a strength score (calibrated using an MLE on NBA data) and game winners are determined by (Zermelo-)Bradley-Terry model
Number of teams can be changed in the code (
). -
There are other plotting mechanisms implemented, but not all have been tested thoroughly.
: how an eliminated team is identified, and how this will be used to determine tanking0: use effective elimination 1: use mathematical elimination, but calculated by heuristics only 2: use math elim, binary MIP, team-wise formulation 3: use math elim, general integer MIP, team-wise formulation 4: use math elim, binary MIP, cutoff formulation 5: use math elim, general integer MIP, cutoff formulation <0: use effective elimination for tanking, but calculate mathematical elimination
- No simulataneous games
- No conference / division play
- True ranking is static
- No home/away advantage
- Ties broken between two teams with the same win percentage is by head-to-head record, and afterwards uniformly at random
Create pre-compilation statements (running from project directory)
mkdir -p results/tmp julia --trace-compile="precompile.jl" --project="Tanking" scripts/test_script.jl 1
Create the sysimage (from the Tanking directory)
julia> using PackageCompiler julia> PackageCompiler.create_sysimage([:Combinatorics, :DelimitedFiles, :Distributions, :Gurobi, :JuMP, :LaTeXStrings, :MathOptFormat, :Plots, :Printf, :PyCall, :Random, :StatsPlots, :Tanking], project=".", sysimage_path="", precompile_statements_file="precompile.jl")
Run the script
julia --sysimage=Tanking/ --project="Tanking" scripts/run_script.jl