This is a bare minimum implementation of the blockchain technology using TypeScript for educational purposes only.
configure the function inside the index.ts
to configure the blockchain instance.
This repository is part of a tutorial in Medium
You need to have npm installed in your computer. It comes with Node.js and you can get it by installing Node from
Clone this repository from the terminal by running git clone
cd into the directory to run the program. Run cd blockchain-demo
Run npm install
to install all dependencies.
Run npm start
and the program will start executing with a usage instructions.
git clone
cd blockchain-demo
npm install
npm start
Enter add sender_name receiver_name transfer_amout
in the prompt.
Example: add Bob Alice 200
- will create create a block with the transaction of amount 200 sent by Bob to Alice.
Enter show
in the prompt to show last 10 verified transactions in the blockchain.
Enter tamper
with a block number shown in the show
Example: tamper 2
will tamper with the 2nd verified transaction in the blockchain.
Enter check
to run a validation test that will check the integrity of the blockchain and print a message accordingly.
Enter help
to show the instructions.
Enter exit
in the prompt or hit ctrl+c
-> add sender_name receiver_name transfer_amount # adds a block to blockchain with the given data
-> show # shows the list of blocks available in the blockchain
-> tamper block_number # tampers with the block giver by the number
-> check # validates the blockchain
-> help # show this message
-> exit # close the program