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Use this GitHub action with your project
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This action will build in Unity. Output is available on iOS/Android/Windows/macOS platforms. Supported version is Unity 2021.3 or later.

Supported Platforms

Platform Output
iOS ipa
Android aab
Windows zip
macOS pkg


You will need to install fastlane


brew install fastlane


Simple usage

iOS build

- uses: akiojin/unity-build-github-action@v3
    build-target: 'iOS'

Team ID & Provisioning Profile UUID

- uses: akiojin/setup-xcode-environment-github-action@v2
  id: setup-xcode-environment
    type: ${{ env.DISTRIBUTION }}
    app-identifier: <App ID>
    team-id: <Team ID>
    git-url: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERTIFICATE_GIT_URL }}
    git-passphrase: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERTIFICATE_GIT_PASSPHRASE }}
    git-branch: "develop"
    keychain: ${{ steps.setup-temporary-keychain.outputs.keychain }}
    keychain-password: ${{ steps.setup-temporary-keychain.outputs.keychain-password }}

- uses: akiojin/unity-build-github-action@v3
    build-target: 'iOS'
    project-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}
    output-directory: ${{ runner.temp }}/Unity
    export-method: ${{ env.DISTRIBUTION }}
    team-id: <Team ID>
    provisioning-profile-uuid: ${{ steps.setup-xcode-environment.outputs.provisioning-profile-uuid }}

Android builds

- uses: akiojin/unity-build-github-action@v3
    build-target: 'Android'
    project-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}
    output-directory: ${{ runner.temp }}/Unity


- uses: akiojin/unity-build-github-action@v3
    build-target: 'Android'
    project-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}
    output-directory: ${{ runner.temp }}/Unity
    keystore-base64: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_KEYSTORE_BASE64 }}
    keystore-password: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD }}
    keystore-alias: 'development'
    keystore-alias-password: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD }}



Name Required Type Default Description
additional-arguments false string "" Specify additional required arguments.
build-target true string Allows the selection of an active build target before loading a project.

Possible options are:
Standalone, Win, Win64, OSXUniversal, Linux, Linux64, LinuxUniversal, iOS, Android, Web, WebStreamed, WebGL, XboxOne, PS4, WindowsStoreApps, Switch, N3DS, tvOS.
configuration false string Debug The configuration to use when building the app.

Possible options are:
Debug, Release.
execute-method false string "" Execute the static method as soon as Unity opens the project, and after the optional Asset server update is complete.
install-directory false string "" If the Unity installation location is not the default, specify the path in this parameter.
or in the environment variable UNITY_HUB_INSTALL_DIRECTORY.
The path must exclude the version number.
log-file false string "-" Specify where Unity writes the Editor or Windows/Linux/OSX standalone log file.
To output to the console, specify - for the path name.
On Windows, specify - option to make the output go to stdout, which is not the console by default.
output-directory false string ${{ runner.temp }} The directory in which the ipa/apk file should be stored in.
output-name false string "Build" Specifies the output file name.
project-directory true string ${{ github.workspace }} Open the project at the given path. If the pathname contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.
revision false number ${{ github.run_number }} Specify the revision.
This value is set to PlayerSettings.iOS.
buildNumber or PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode. If omitted, github.run_number is set.
unity-version false string "" Specify the Unity version to be used.
If omitted, the project version is used.


Name Required Type Default Description
export-method false string development Method used to export the archive.
Valid values are: app-store, validation, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development, developer-id and mac-application.
include-bitcode false boolean false Should the ipa file include bitcode?
include-symbols false boolean false Should the ipa file include symbols?
provisioning-profile-base64 false string ""
provisioning-profile-uuid false string "" Specify the UUID of the provisioning profile.
provisioning-profile-name false string "" Specify the Name of the provisioning profile.
provisioning-profile-type false string Automatic Specify the type of provisioning profile.
If omitted, Automatic is set.
strip-swift-symbols false boolean true If set to true, it will truncate symbols from the Swift library in the IPA file,
reducing the size of the IPA file.
team-id false string "" The ID of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams.
temporary-directory false string ${{ runner.temp }}/temp


Name Required Type Default Description
keystore false string "" Specify the path to the keystore file.
For Android, if keystore or keystore-base64, keystore-password, keystore-alias,keystore-alias-password is not specified, will be signed with a debug key.
keystore-base64 false string "" Specifies Base64 data for the keystore.
If you do not specify a file path in keystore, you must specify this parameter.
Also, if this value is specified, the value of keystore is ignored.
keystore-password false string "" Specify the password for the keystore.
keystore-alias false string "" Specifies the name of the keystore alias.
keystore-alias-password false string "" Specify the password for the keystore alias.


Name Required Type Default Description


Name Required Type Default Description
install-location false string "/Applications" Specify the directory in which to install. By default, /Applications is specified.

iOS build

The following parameters are set at iOS build time.


ENABLE_BITOCODE is set for UnityMainTarget and UnityFrameworkTarget. ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES is set to UnityFrameworkTarget.



Any contributions made under this project will be governed by the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published

Contributors 4
