- 安装git
- 安装golang
- 安装docker
- 安装docker-compose
把fabric源码下载到 $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger 目录下
git clone [email protected]:hyperledger/fabric.git
git checkout -b release-1.1 origin/release-1.1
make configtxgen
make cryptogen
在build/bin目录下生成 configtxgen cryptogen 文件
把上面编译好的文件放到本项目 fabric-service/bin 目录下
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗ tree -l bin
├── configtxgen
└── cryptogen
根域名使用 citizens.com
使用下面命令生成 文件模版
./bin/cryptogen showtemplate > crypto-config.yaml
- Name: Orderer
Domain: citizens.com
- Hostname: orderer
- Name: FBI
Domain: fbi.citizens.com
EnableNodeOUs: false
Count: 2
Count: 2
- 在fabric-service目录下生成证书目录
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗ ./bin/cryptogen generate --config=crypto-config.yaml
- 从fabric配置文件例子中获取模版
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗
cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/e2e_cli/configtx.yaml ./
- 修改后的内容
<<: *ChannelCapabilities
<<: *OrdererDefaults
- *OrdererOrg
<<: *OrdererCapabilities
- *FBI
Consortium: SampleConsortium
<<: *ApplicationDefaults
- *FBI
<<: *ApplicationCapabilities
- &OrdererOrg
Name: OrdererOrg
ID: OrdererMSP
MSPDir: crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/citizens.com/msp
- &FBI
MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/msp
- Host: peer0.fbi.citizens.com
Port: 7051
Orderer: &OrdererDefaults
OrdererType: solo
- orderer.citizens.com:7050
BatchTimeout: 2s
MaxMessageCount: 10
AbsoluteMaxBytes: 98 MB
PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB
Application: &ApplicationDefaults
Global: &ChannelCapabilities
V1_1: true
Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities
V1_1: true
Application: &ApplicationCapabilities
V1_1: true
- 生成order创世区块锚节点配置文件
mkdir artifacts
./bin/configtxgen --profile CitizensGenesis -outputBlock ./artifacts/orderer.genesis.block
// 生成channel初始块
./bin/configtxgen --profile CitizensChannel -outputCreateChannelTx ./artifacts/citizens.tx -channelID citizens
./bin/configtxgen --profile CitizensChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate ./artifacts/FBImspanchors.tx -channelID citizens -asOrg FBIMSP
channel 名字为 citizens
./bin/configtxgen --profile CitizensChain -outputCreateChannelTx ./artifacts/citizens.tx -channelID citizens
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗ ./bin/configtxgen --profile CitizensChain -outputCreateChannelTx ./artifacts/citizens.tx -channelID citizens
2018-08-11 16:06:07.685 CST [common/tools/configtxgen] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration
2018-08-11 16:06:07.691 CST [common/tools/configtxgen] doOutputChannelCreateTx -> INFO 002 Generating new channel configtx
2018-08-11 16:06:07.712 CST [common/tools/configtxgen] doOutputChannelCreateTx -> INFO 003 Writing new channel tx
- 以上命令执行完毕后查看生成的结果,如果以下文件都生成成功说明以上操作都没有问题
fabric-service git:(master) ✗ tree -l artifacts
├── appleorgmspanchors.tx
├── citizens.tx
├── fbiorgmspanchors.tx
└── orderer.genesis.block
- 复制模版文件
cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/test/fixtures/dockerenv/docker-compose.yaml ./
cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/test/fixtures/dockerenv/.env ./
- 修改后的结果
version: '2'
- ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE=/etc/hyperledger/configtx/orderer.genesis.block
- ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR=/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer
- ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_PRIVATEKEY=/etc/hyperledger/tls/orderer/server.key
- ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/orderer/server.crt
- ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_ROOTCAS=[/etc/hyperledger/tls/orderer/ca.crt]
#comment out logging.driver in order to render the debug logs
# logging:
# driver: none
working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer
command: orderer
- 7050:7050
- ./artifacts:/etc/hyperledger/configtx
- ./crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/citizens.com/orderers/orderer.citizens.com/msp:/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer
- ./crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/citizens.com/orderers/orderer.citizens.com/tls:/etc/hyperledger/tls/orderer
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca:/etc/hyperledger/tlsca
- orderer.citizens.com
- CORE_PEER_ID=peer0.fbi.citizens.com
- CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer
- CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.fbi.citizens.com:7051
- CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT=peer0.fbi.citizens.com:7051
- CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer/server.key
- CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer/server.crt
- CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer/ca.crt
# # the following setting starts chaincode containers on the same
# # bridge network as the peers
# # https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/
#comment out logging.driver in order to render the debug logs
# logging:
# driver: none
working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
command: peer node start
- "7051:7051"
- "7051"
- "7052"
- /var/run/:/var/run/
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/peers/peer0.fbi.citizens.com/msp:/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/peers/peer0.fbi.citizens.com/tls:/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca:/etc/hyperledger/orgs/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca
- peer0.fbi.citizens.com
- orderer
- CORE_PEER_ID=peer1.fbi.citizens.com
- CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer
- CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer1.fbi.citizens.com:7151
- CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT=peer1.fbi.citizens.com:7151
- CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP=peer0.fbi.citizens.com:7051
- CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer/server.key
- CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer/server.crt
- CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer/ca.crt
# # the following setting starts chaincode containers on the same
# # bridge network as the peers
# # https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/
#comment out logging.driver in order to render the debug logs
# logging:
# driver: none
working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
command: peer node start
- "7151:7151"
- "7151"
- "7152"
- /var/run/:/var/run/
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/peers/peer1.fbi.citizens.com/msp:/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/peers/peer1.fbi.citizens.com/tls:/etc/hyperledger/tls/peer
- ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca:/etc/hyperledger/orgs/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca
- peer1.fbi.citizens.com
- orderer
- 修改hosts 把以下内容加入/etc/hosts文件 peer0.fbi.citizens.com peer1.fbi.citizens.com apple.citizens.com fbi.citizens.com orderer.citizens.com citizens.com
cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/test/fixtures/config/config_e2e.yaml ./config.yaml
version: 1.0.0
organization: FBI
level: info
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config
path: "/tmp/state-store"
path: /tmp/msp
enabled: true
provider: "SW"
hashAlgorithm: "SHA2"
softVerify: true
level: 256
# [Optional]. Use system certificate pool when connecting to peers, orderers (for negotiating TLS) Default: false
systemCertPool: false
# [Optional]. Client key and cert for TLS handshake with peers and orderers
endorsingPeer: true
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: true
mspid: FBIMSP
# This org's MSP store (absolute path or relative to client.cryptoconfig)
cryptoPath: peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/users/{username}@fbi.citizens.com/msp
- peer0.fbi.citizens.com
- peer1.fbi.citizens.com
- ca.fbi.citizens.com
url: localhost:7050
# these are standard properties defined by the gRPC library
# they will be passed in as-is to gRPC client constructor
ssl-target-name-override: orderer.citizens.com
# These parameters should be set in coordination with the keepalive policy on the server,
# as incompatible settings can result in closing of connection.
# When duration of the 'keep-alive-time' is set to 0 or less the keep alive client parameters are disabled
keep-alive-time: 0s
keep-alive-timeout: 20s
keep-alive-permit: false
fail-fast: false
# allow-insecure will be taken into consideration if address has no protocol defined, if true then grpc or else grpcs
allow-insecure: false
# Certificate location absolute path
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/citizens.com/tlsca/tlsca.citizens.com-cert.pem
# List of peers to send various requests to, including endorsement, query
# and event listener registration.
# this URL is used to send endorsement and query requests
url: peer0.fbi.citizens.com:7051
ssl-target-name-override: peer0.fbi.citizens.com
# These parameters should be set in coordination with the keepalive policy on the server,
# as incompatible settings can result in closing of connection.
# When duration of the 'keep-alive-time' is set to 0 or less the keep alive client parameters are disabled
keep-alive-time: 0s
keep-alive-timeout: 20s
keep-alive-permit: false
fail-fast: false
# allow-insecure will be taken into consideration if address has no protocol defined, if true then grpc or else grpcs
allow-insecure: false
# Certificate location absolute path
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca/tlsca.fbi.citizens.com-cert.pem
# this URL is used to send endorsement and query requests
url: peer1.fbi.citizens.com:7151
ssl-target-name-override: peer1.fbi.citizens.com
# These parameters should be set in coordination with the keepalive policy on the server,
# as incompatible settings can result in closing of connection.
# When duration of the 'keep-alive-time' is set to 0 or less the keep alive client parameters are disabled
keep-alive-time: 0s
keep-alive-timeout: 20s
keep-alive-permit: false
fail-fast: false
# allow-insecure will be taken into consideration if address has no protocol defined, if true then grpc or else grpcs
allow-insecure: false
# Certificate location absolute path
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca/tlsca.fbi.citizens.com-cert.pem
url: https://ca.fbi.citizens.com:7054
# Comma-Separated list of paths
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/tlsca/tlsca.fbi.citizens.com-cert.pem
# Client key and cert for SSL handshake with Fabric CA
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/users/[email protected]/tls/client.key
path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/akkagao/citizens/fabric-service/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/fbi.citizens.com/users/[email protected]/tls/client.crt
# Fabric-CA supports dynamic user enrollment via REST APIs. A "root" user, a.k.a registrar, is
# needed to enroll and invoke new users.
enrollId: admin
enrollSecret: adminpw
# [Optional] The optional name of the CA.
caName: ca.fbi.citizens.com
然后编写chainCode 和 调用链码的代码就可以测试了,具体参考chainCode和web-service目录中的go代码
./start.sh 启动fabric服务,所有日志都会输出到 all.log 中
然后进入web-service 目录
使用 go run main.go
命令启动gosdk项目 执行链码的安装、初始化、执行、查询等操作
- 清理docker 网络
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗ docker network ls
c1f91c6c5086 bridge bridge local
aced91a76322 host host local
57502ba90162 none null local
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗ docker rm 57502ba90162
脚本会清理之前操作残留的docker 以免对当前开发环境产生影响
如果没有报错说明启动成功,然后docker ps
- 生成channel初始块 报错
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗ ./bin/configtxgen --profile CitizensChain -outputCreateChannelTx ./artifacts/citizens.tx -channelID citizens
2018-08-11 16:02:53.269 CST [common/tools/configtxgen] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration
2018-08-11 16:02:53.276 CST [common/tools/configtxgen] doOutputChannelCreateTx -> INFO 002 Generating new channel configtx
2018-08-11 16:02:53.277 CST [common/tools/configtxgen] main -> CRIT 003 Error on outputChannelCreateTx: config update generation failure: cannot define a new channel with no Application section
➜ fabric-service git:(master) ✗
问题原因 configtx.yaml 文件中
# Profiles 节点下缺少一下内容
<<: *ApplicationDefaults
- *FBIOrg
Consortium: SampleConsortium
启动docker 报错
问题原因 docker-compose.yaml 文件 每个peer下面的CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID 值必须正确
peer1.apple.citizens.com | 2018-08-11 09:46:45.454 UTC [gossip/comm] authenticateRemotePeer -> WARN 1be Identity store rejected : failed classifying identity: Unable to extract msp.Identity from peer Identity: Peer Identity [0a 08 41 70 70 6c 65 4f 72 67 12 9e 06 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 43 48 7a 43 43 41 63 57 67 41 77 49 42 41 67 49 51 4d 76 38 45 32 4b 67 61 42 62 61 44 5a 61 71 59 61 68 77 32 78 44 41 4b 42 67 67 71 68 6b 6a 4f 50 51 51 44 41 6a 42 33 4d 51 73 77 0a 43 51 59 44 56 51 51 47 45 77 4a 56 55 7a 45 54 4d 42 45 47 41 31 55 45 43 42 4d 4b 51 32 46 73 61 57 5a 76 63 6d 35 70 59 54 45 57 4d 42 51 47 41 31 55 45 42 78 4d 4e 55 32 46 75 49 45 5a 79 0a 59 57 35 6a 61 58 4e 6a 62 7a 45 62 4d 42 6b 47 41 31 55 45 43 68 4d 53 59 58 42 77 62 47 55 75 59 32 6c 30 61 58 70 6c 62 6e 4d 75 59 32 39 74 4d 52 34 77 48 41 59 44 56 51 51 44 45 78 56 6a 0a 59 53 35 68 63 48 42 73 5a 53 35 6a 61 58 52 70 65 6d 56 75 63 79 35 6a 62 32 30 77 48 68 63 4e 4d 54 67 77 4f 44 45 78 4d 44 55 30 4e 44 55 78 57 68 63 4e 4d 6a 67 77 4f 44 41 34 4d 44 55 30 0a 4e 44 55 78 57 6a 42 64 4d 51 73 77 43 51 59 44 56 51 51 47 45 77 4a 56 55 7a 45 54 4d 42 45 47 41 31 55 45 43 42 4d 4b 51 32 46 73 61 57 5a 76 63 6d 35 70 59 54 45 57 4d 42 51 47 41 31 55 45 0a 42 78 4d 4e 55 32 46 75 49 45 5a 79 59 57 35 6a 61 58 4e 6a 62 7a 45 68 4d 42 38 47 41 31 55 45 41 78 4d 59 63 47 56 6c 63 6a 41 75 59 58 42 77 62 47 55 75 59 32 6c 30 61 58 70 6c 62 6e 4d 75 0a 59 32 39 74 4d 46 6b 77 45 77 59 48 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 43 41 51 59 49 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 44 41 51 63 44 51 67 41 45 39 7a 32 79 70 37 4c 36 6b 33 58 37 76 62 43 67 70 6a 41 5a 44 76 6d 57 0a 44 46 49 61 4b 70 33 4d 36 39 72 67 61 71 44 38 51 6c 75 2b 33 68 31 4f 71 6c 32 59 4c 71 78 6b 62 6a 4d 66 76 78 52 5a 74 73 4f 65 71 57 77 41 47 42 6c 66 43 5a 78 50 6c 58 51 7a 76 71 4e 4e 0a 4d 45 73 77 44 67 59 44 56 52 30 50 41 51 48 2f 42 41 51 44 41 67 65 41 4d 41 77 47 41 31 55 64 45 77 45 42 2f 77 51 43 4d 41 41 77 4b 77 59 44 56 52 30 6a 42 43 51 77 49 6f 41 67 35 70 59 31 0a 53 36 45 6f 73 30 75 70 48 73 41 44 64 75 77 6d 45 75 4c 51 58 61 41 72 64 6b 42 4f 65 68 77 48 44 38 4b 4e 49 6d 34 77 43 67 59 49 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 45 41 77 49 44 53 41 41 77 52 51 49 68 0a 41 49 71 4b 72 61 64 33 2f 74 61 47 38 4a 65 36 38 59 7a 38 49 78 53 37 54 49 36 6f 62 2f 37 55 36 61 72 6d 4e 48 52 6e 47 4b 70 4f 41 69 42 4d 34 32 70 73 48 4a 6a 56 73 41 4d 67 34 63 53 43 0a 36 39 38 47 51 46 61 73 74 48 56 70 68 73 6e 6f 66 38 4a 44 56 4c 53 67 56 77 3d 3d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 45 4e 44 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a] cannot be validated. No MSP found able to do that.
peer1.apple.citizens.com | 2018-08-11 09:46:45.454 UTC [gossip/comm] Handshake -> WARN 1bf Authentication failed: failed classifying identity: Unable to extract msp.Identity from peer Identity: Peer Identity [0a 08 41 70 70 6c 65 4f 72 67 12 9e 06 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 43 48 7a 43 43 41 63 57 67 41 77 49 42 41 67 49 51 4d 76 38 45 32 4b 67 61 42 62 61 44 5a 61 71 59 61 68 77 32 78 44 41 4b 42 67 67 71 68 6b 6a 4f 50 51 51 44 41 6a 42 33 4d 51 73 77 0a 43 51 59 44 56 51 51 47 45 77 4a 56 55 7a 45 54 4d 42 45 47 41 31 55 45 43 42 4d 4b 51 32 46 73 61 57 5a 76 63 6d 35 70 59 54 45 57 4d 42 51 47 41 31 55 45 42 78 4d 4e 55 32 46 75 49 45 5a 79 0a 59 57 35 6a 61 58 4e 6a 62 7a 45 62 4d 42 6b 47 41 31 55 45 43 68 4d 53 59 58 42 77 62 47 55 75 59 32 6c 30 61 58 70 6c 62 6e 4d 75 59 32 39 74 4d 52 34 77 48 41 59 44 56 51 51 44 45 78 56 6a 0a 59 53 35 68 63 48 42 73 5a 53 35 6a 61 58 52 70 65 6d 56 75 63 79 35 6a 62 32 30 77 48 68 63 4e 4d 54 67 77 4f 44 45 78 4d 44 55 30 4e 44 55 78 57 68 63 4e 4d 6a 67 77 4f 44 41 34 4d 44 55 30 0a 4e 44 55 78 57 6a 42 64 4d 51 73 77 43 51 59 44 56 51 51 47 45 77 4a 56 55 7a 45 54 4d 42 45 47 41 31 55 45 43 42 4d 4b 51 32 46 73 61 57 5a 76 63 6d 35 70 59 54 45 57 4d 42 51 47 41 31 55 45 0a 42 78 4d 4e 55 32 46 75 49 45 5a 79 59 57 35 6a 61 58 4e 6a 62 7a 45 68 4d 42 38 47 41 31 55 45 41 78 4d 59 63 47 56 6c 63 6a 41 75 59 58 42 77 62 47 55 75 59 32 6c 30 61 58 70 6c 62 6e 4d 75 0a 59 32 39 74 4d 46 6b 77 45 77 59 48 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 43 41 51 59 49 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 44 41 51 63 44 51 67 41 45 39 7a 32 79 70 37 4c 36 6b 33 58 37 76 62 43 67 70 6a 41 5a 44 76 6d 57 0a 44 46 49 61 4b 70 33 4d 36 39 72 67 61 71 44 38 51 6c 75 2b 33 68 31 4f 71 6c 32 59 4c 71 78 6b 62 6a 4d 66 76 78 52 5a 74 73 4f 65 71 57 77 41 47 42 6c 66 43 5a 78 50 6c 58 51 7a 76 71 4e 4e 0a 4d 45 73 77 44 67 59 44 56 52 30 50 41 51 48 2f 42 41 51 44 41 67 65 41 4d 41 77 47 41 31 55 64 45 77 45 42 2f 77 51 43 4d 41 41 77 4b 77 59 44 56 52 30 6a 42 43 51 77 49 6f 41 67 35 70 59 31 0a 53 36 45 6f 73 30 75 70 48 73 41 44 64 75 77 6d 45 75 4c 51 58 61 41 72 64 6b 42 4f 65 68 77 48 44 38 4b 4e 49 6d 34 77 43 67 59 49 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 45 41 77 49 44 53 41 41 77 52 51 49 68 0a 41 49 71 4b 72 61 64 33 2f 74 61 47 38 4a 65 36 38 59 7a 38 49 78 53 37 54 49 36 6f 62 2f 37 55 36 61 72 6d 4e 48 52 6e 47 4b 70 4f 41 69 42 4d 34 32 70 73 48 4a 6a 56 73 41 4d 67 34 63 53 43 0a 36 39 38 47 51 46 61 73 74 48 56 70 68 73 6e 6f 66 38 4a 44 56 4c 53 67 56 77 3d 3d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 45 4e 44 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a] cannot be validated. No MSP found able to do that.
peer1.apple.citizens.com | 2018-08-11 09:46:45.454 UTC [gossip/discovery] func1 -> WARN 1c0 Could not connect to {peer0.apple.citizens.com:7051 [] [] peer0.apple.citizens.com:7051 <nil>} : failed classifying identity: Unable to extract msp.Identity from peer Identity: Peer Identity [0a 08 41 70 70 6c 65 4f 72 67 12 9e 06 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 43 48 7a 43 43 41 63 57 67 41 77 49 42 41 67 49 51 4d 76 38 45 32 4b 67 61 42 62 61 44 5a 61 71 59 61 68 77 32 78 44 41 4b 42 67 67 71 68 6b 6a 4f 50 51 51 44 41 6a 42 33 4d 51 73 77 0a 43 51 59 44 56 51 51 47 45 77 4a 56 55 7a 45 54 4d 42 45 47 41 31 55 45 43 42 4d 4b 51 32 46 73 61 57 5a 76 63 6d 35 70 59 54 45 57 4d 42 51 47 41 31 55 45 42 78 4d 4e 55 32 46 75 49 45 5a 79 0a 59 57 35 6a 61 58 4e 6a 62 7a 45 62 4d 42 6b 47 41 31 55 45 43 68 4d 53 59 58 42 77 62 47 55 75 59 32 6c 30 61 58 70 6c 62 6e 4d 75 59 32 39 74 4d 52 34 77 48 41 59 44 56 51 51 44 45 78 56 6a 0a 59 53 35 68 63 48 42 73 5a 53 35 6a 61 58 52 70 65 6d 56 75 63 79 35 6a 62 32 30 77 48 68 63 4e 4d 54 67 77 4f 44 45 78 4d 44 55 30 4e 44 55 78 57 68 63 4e 4d 6a 67 77 4f 44 41 34 4d 44 55 30 0a 4e 44 55 78 57 6a 42 64 4d 51 73 77 43 51 59 44 56 51 51 47 45 77 4a 56 55 7a 45 54 4d 42 45 47 41 31 55 45 43 42 4d 4b 51 32 46 73 61 57 5a 76 63 6d 35 70 59 54 45 57 4d 42 51 47 41 31 55 45 0a 42 78 4d 4e 55 32 46 75 49 45 5a 79 59 57 35 6a 61 58 4e 6a 62 7a 45 68 4d 42 38 47 41 31 55 45 41 78 4d 59 63 47 56 6c 63 6a 41 75 59 58 42 77 62 47 55 75 59 32 6c 30 61 58 70 6c 62 6e 4d 75 0a 59 32 39 74 4d 46 6b 77 45 77 59 48 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 43 41 51 59 49 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 44 41 51 63 44 51 67 41 45 39 7a 32 79 70 37 4c 36 6b 33 58 37 76 62 43 67 70 6a 41 5a 44 76 6d 57 0a 44 46 49 61 4b 70 33 4d 36 39 72 67 61 71 44 38 51 6c 75 2b 33 68 31 4f 71 6c 32 59 4c 71 78 6b 62 6a 4d 66 76 78 52 5a 74 73 4f 65 71 57 77 41 47 42 6c 66 43 5a 78 50 6c 58 51 7a 76 71 4e 4e 0a 4d 45 73 77 44 67 59 44 56 52 30 50 41 51 48 2f 42 41 51 44 41 67 65 41 4d 41 77 47 41 31 55 64 45 77 45 42 2f 77 51 43 4d 41 41 77 4b 77 59 44 56 52 30 6a 42 43 51 77 49 6f 41 67 35 70 59 31 0a 53 36 45 6f 73 30 75 70 48 73 41 44 64 75 77 6d 45 75 4c 51 58 61 41 72 64 6b 42 4f 65 68 77 48 44 38 4b 4e 49 6d 34 77 43 67 59 49 4b 6f 5a 49 7a 6a 30 45 41 77 49 44 53 41 41 77 52 51 49 68 0a 41 49 71 4b 72 61 64 33 2f 74 61 47 38 4a 65 36 38 59 7a 38 49 78 53 37 54 49 36 6f 62 2f 37 55 36 61 72 6d 4e 48 52 6e 47 4b 70 4f 41 69 42 4d 34 32 70 73 48 4a 6a 56 73 41 4d 67 34 63 53 43 0a 36 39 38 47 51 46 61 73 74 48 56 70 68 73 6e 6f 66 38 4a 44 56 4c 53 67 56 77 3d 3d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 45 4e 44 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a] cannot be validated. No MSP found able to do that.
3: orderer 启动失败(发现一下日志)
实际创世区块名称和docker-compose-base 文件中的配置不一致导致
- ../artifacts/genesis.block:/var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block
- ../artifacts/orderer.genesis.block:/var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block
orderer.ebbyte.com | panic: Unable to bootstrap orderer. Error reading genesis block file: read /var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block: is a directory
orderer.ebbyte.com |
orderer.ebbyte.com | goroutine 1 [running]:
orderer.ebbyte.com | github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/bootstrap/file.(*fileBootstrapper).GenesisBlock(0xc42013c430, 0xc42013c430)
orderer.ebbyte.com | /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/bootstrap/file/bootstrap.go:44 +0x1e4
orderer.ebbyte.com | github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server.initializeBootstrapChannel(0xc4202a2a00, 0x1393300, 0xc420164000)
orderer.ebbyte.com | /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server/main.go:205 +0x5bd
orderer.ebbyte.com | github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server.initializeMultichannelRegistrar(0xc4202a2a00, 0x138fd80, 0x13f3e20, 0xc42013e798, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc420371e60)
orderer.ebbyte.com | /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server/main.go:253 +0xa0
orderer.ebbyte.com | github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server.Start(0xcfa0bc, 0x5, 0xc4202a2a00)
orderer.ebbyte.com | /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server/main.go:103 +0x24c
orderer.ebbyte.com | github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server.Main()
orderer.ebbyte.com | /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/server/main.go:82 +0x20f
orderer.ebbyte.com | main.main()
orderer.ebbyte.com | /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/main.go:15 +0x20
peer1.akka.ebbyte.com | 2018-08-20 13:52:37.557 UTC [accessControl] newCertKeyPair -> DEBU 028 Classified peer1.akka.ebbyte.com as a hostname, adding it as a DNS SAN
4: ca启动失败
FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_KEYFILE 配置没有修改完全 _sk 文件没有替换完
ca_peerakka | Error: Failed to find private key for certificate in '/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ca.akka.ebbyte.com-cert.pem': Could not find matching private key for SKI: Failed
getting key for SKI [[40 2 186 255 133 181 113 229 155 112 163 181 94 213 135 169 36 211 97 215 195 34 118 225 14 224 105 0 198 224 12 20]]: Key with SKI 2802baff85b571e59b70a3b55ed587a924d361d7c32276e10e
e06900c6e00c14 not found in /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/msp/keystore
5: go build 报错
fabric-sdk-go 版本不对 切换成 v1.0.0-alpha4 版本
../../../hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/third_party/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/orderer/configuration.pb.go:56:35: undefined: proto.InternalMessageInfo
6: go启动失败
OrgName 必须和configtx.yaml文件中的 Organizations定义的peer节点名称一致
Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: failed to create channel management client from Admin identity: failed to create resmgmt client due to context error: invalid options to create identity, invalid org name
7: go 启动失败
config.yaml 修改为(url 值),修改后需要重启docker
Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: failed to save channel: create channel failed: SendEnvelope failed: calling orderer 'orderer.ebbyte.com:7050' failed: Orderer Server Status Code: (400) BAD_REQUEST. Description: error authorizing update: error validating ReadSet: readset expected key [Group] /Channel/Application at version 0, but got version 1
config.yaml 文件中8151 端口写错了应该是8050
go程序中所有写了 resmgmt.WithTargetEndpoints("peer0.akka.ebbyte.com")) 的地方确认域名是否是 org pee0的域名
Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: failed to save channel: create channel failed: SendEnvelope failed: calling orderer '' failed: Orderer Server Status Code: (400) BAD_REQUEST. Description: error authorizing update: error validating ReadSet: readset expected key [Group] /Channel/Application at version 0, but got version 1
Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: failed to make admin join channel: join channel failed: SendProposal failed: Transaction processing for endorser [peer1.akka.ebbyte.com:8151]: Endorser Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection timed out [peer1.akka.ebbyte.com:8151]
9 实例化ChainCode失败
[fabsdk/fab] 2018/08/21 13:33:34 UTC - peer.(*peerEndorser).sendProposal -> ERRO process proposal failed [rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error starting container: API error (404): {"message":"network e2ecli_default not found"}
Unable to install and instantiate the chaincode: failed to instantiate the chaincode: sending deploy transaction proposal failed: Transaction processing for endorser []: gRPC Transport Status Code: (2) Unknown. Description: error starting container: API error (404): {"message":"network e2ecli_default not found"}
docker images 查看所有的iamge 如果有 network-peer0-org-domain 这样的容器用docker rmi 删除一次
确认chaincode 代码所在目录名称为chaincode 并且代码package 为main go build 是否可以直接编译出二进制文件
[fabsdk/fab] 2018/08/21 13:46:12 UTC - peer.(*peerEndorser).sendProposal -> ERRO process proposal failed [rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error starting container: API error (400): {"message":"OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused \"exec: \\\"chaincode\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\": unknown"}
Unable to install and instantiate the chaincode: failed to instantiate the chaincode: sending deploy transaction proposal failed: Transaction processing for endorser []: gRPC Transport Status Code: (2) Unknown. Description: error starting container: API error (400): {"message":"OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused \"exec: \\\"chaincode\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\": unknown"}
go:启动失败 channel Name 不能有大写字母
Unable to initialize the Fabric SDK: failed to save channel: create channel failed: SendEnvelope failed: calling orderer 'localhost:7050' failed: Orderer Server Status Code: (400) BAD_REQUEST. Description: initializing configtx manager failed: bad channel ID: channel ID 'GoldChainChannel' contains illegal characters