A ROS2-based stack for swarms of Bitcraze Crazyflie multirotor robots.
CI for Galactic (Ubuntu only)
crazyswarm2 package
- Former crazyflie_tools, e.g.,
ros2 run crazyswarm2 console
- Former crazyswarm_teleop
- Former chooser.py
- crazyswarm_server
- Firmware parameters (mapping to parameter server with callback on updates)
- High-level Takeoff/Landing/GoTo/StartTrajectory (per CF, and broadcasts)
- Broadcasting motion capture information (position only)
- Former crazyflie_tools, e.g.,
crazyswarm2_interfaces package
- All msg/srv files similar to before (updated to follow the new style guide)
- Former Python API (currently: very limited; physical flight only)
- Former example scripts (currently: only hello_world, nice_hover, figure8)
Standalone tracking package, see https://github.com/IMRCLab/motion_capture_tracking/tree/ros2
- Former crazyswarm_server
- Data logging
- broadcast motion capture full pose information
- Simulation
- Scripting layer
- limited feature set
- No simulation backend, yet
- Chooser.py
- No support for flashing firmware
- Might only work with
- TODO: should be replaced by a tool that connects to the server instead
mkdir -p ros2_ws/src
cd ros2_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/IMRCLab/crazyswarm2 --recursive
git clone --branch ros2 --recursive https://github.com/IMRCLab/motion_capture_tracking.git
cd ../
colcon build --symlink-install
Note: symlink-install allows you to edit Python and config files without running colcon build
every time.
In a separate terminal:
. install/local_setup.zsh (OR . install/local_setup.bash)
ros2 run crazyswarm2 console
ros2 param set crazyswarm2_server cf1/params/commander/enHighLevel 1
ros2 param set crazyswarm2_server cf3/params/stabilizer/estimator 2
ros2 service call cf1/takeoff crazyswarm2_interfaces/srv/Takeoff "{height: 0.5, duration: {sec: 2}}"
ros2 service call cf1/land crazyswarm2_interfaces/srv/Land "{height: 0.0, duration: {sec: 2}}"
ros2 run crazyswarm2 chooser.py
ros2 run crazyswarm2_examples hello_world
The documentation is available here: http://crazyswarm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
Please start a Discussion for...
- Getting Crazyswarm to work with your hardware setup.
- Advice on how to use the Crazyswarm Python API to achieve your goals.
- Rough ideas for a new feature.
Please open an Issue if you believe that fixing your problem will involve a change in the Crazyswarm source code, rather than your own configuration files. For example...
- Bug reports.
- New feature proposals with details.