Flash Messages handling with redux made simple.
npm install --save @peak-ai/flashr
# or
yarn add @peak-ai/flashr
import { createFlashReducer } from '@peak-ai/flashr';
const flashMessages = createFlashReducer(config);
const reducers = {
// ... your other reducers ...
const rootReducer = combineReducers(reducers);
import { createFlashMiddleware } from '@peak-ai/flashr';
const { middleware } = createFlashMiddleware({});
const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(middleware));
interface Config {
Timeout after which notification should be removed.
This can be overridden in addFlashMessage API.
Default: 5000
timeout: number;
Position on the screen where the notification should appear.
This can be overridden in addFlashMessage API.
Default: 'left-top'
| 'left-top'
| 'center-top'
| 'right-top'
| 'left-bottom'
| 'center-bottom'
| 'right-bottom';
Internally we maintain a queue for handling messages, this param gives only the desired number of messages at any point in time, rest will be available in the queue and added as messages are removed from message array.
Default: 3
stackCount: number;
The above-said queue is a priority queue, this parameter tells if needs to be sorted.
Default: false
sortQueue: boolean;
The above-said queue accepts custom comparator function, which somewhat works like Array.prototype.sort's callback function.
It provides 2 numbers as input, a and b, return less than 0 if a is small || greater than 0 if b is small.
For more insight see usage at `src/queue.ts:L26`
Default: (a, b) => a - b;
Higher priority elements dequeue first.
comparator: Comparator;
This function is used to create a unique id for every notification object.
Default: uuid/v4
keyFunction: () => string;
Notification can have an action associated with them, like undo, stop etc...
This can be overridden in addFlashMessage API.
onActionClick: () => void;
This in general onClick which can be used to add click on complete notification
This can be overridden in addFlashMessage API.
onClick: () => void;
interface Config {
With middleware you can hook custom functions before a message is added to the queue and after a message is added. this flag is used to disable those hooks.
Default: false
disableHooks: boolean;
When you create middleware, the function returns an object called hooks, which can be tapped with custom functions
const {
hooks: { preAdd, postAdd },
} = createFlashMiddleware({});
preAdd.tap('PreAddAction', (action) => {
postAdd.tap('PostAddAction', () => {
interface Message {
Text to be displayed in notification
message: string;
Message type, like success, error, warn, etc..
Default: text
messageType: string;
Override specific timeout for single notification
Default: text
timeout: number;
Override specific position for single notification
Default: 'left-top'
position: string;
Icon for notification
icon: string;
Override onActionClick for single notification
onActionClick: () => void;
Override onClick for single notification
onClick: () => void;
Add optional class to add in notification
className: string;
Add priority to a message
When enabled sorting of queue (see sortQueue Option), comparator function is called, if passed, else use maxComparator function, higher priority elements at first in the queue.
Default: 0
priority: number;
interface ClearMessage {
Removes notification from message array for given id. Currently, there is no option to remove messages from the queue, except clearAll.
id: string;
No params needed that is easy