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IATI Export

Kasper Brandt edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 2 revisions


The IATI export functionality can be used by any partner that has projects with the reporting organisation set to their organisation.

How to use

After logging in, the user can view the organisation's projects in the 'My IATI' section of MyRSR. There you will be able to select a subset of RSR projects and publish these to an IATI v2.01 XML. Only the projects of which your organisation is the reporting organisation will be shown in this list.

Because we only allow for publishing to IATI v2.01, it is recommended to press the "Perform checks" button, which will check each project on missing information. Projects with all mandatory IATI information filled in will be marked green and projects with missing information will be marked red.

When you are finished with the project selection, the "Create IATI file" button can be clicked, which will start the export process on the background. Shortly the exported IATI file will be visible on the right hand side of the page.