Use apple watch read user heat rate and monitor heart rate data from web.
Go to server
directory, run:
$ npm install
& yarn
Start server:
$ npm start
> [email protected] start /Users/Albert/Desktop/Xin/server
> node server.js
server is:
waitting for source client connect
Go to app
directory, run:
$ pod install
Open Xin.xcworkspace
with Xcode.
Connect your iPhone to mac.
Select your apple watch device from Xcode.
Run Xin
watch app on your apple watch.
After app launched on watch, hit Start
Launch Xin
app from you iPhone.
Input server address, hit connect.
Watch terminal witch server started, it will print the web address, open it with browser.
new connection
open browser at : http://localhost:8081
- chart scaleable
- keep iOS app screen alive