- we want to automate linux commands
- know the following commands by heart
- echo
- pwd
- ls
- cd
- cat
- read
- alias
- git commands
- how to run a shell script
$ ./<SCRIPT_NAME>.sh # use this for running shell scripts from working directory
$ sh <SCRIPT_NAME>.sh # use this for running shell scripts from different directory
$ bash <SCRIPT_NAME>.sh # running a script using bash command
$ zsh <SCRIPT_NAME>.sh # running a script using zsh command
# this is a comment
# don't catch you slippin now
Excplicit Declaration
VAR="sanjna" # declaring a variable explicitly
echo $VAR # referencing a declared variable
Storing Outputs in Variables
# use $(command) to store output of 'command' in a astring
MESSAGE="Hello $(whoami), you are currently in $(pwd)"
Numerical values
declare -i X=43 # declaring an int variable
echo $X # treat '43' as a string
echo $(( X )) # treat '43' as a number
Operator | Functionality | Example |
+ | addition | $(( X + Y )) |
- | subtraction | $(( X - Y )) |
* | multiplication | $(( X * Y )) |
/ | division | $(( X / Y )) |
% | modulus | $(( X % Y )) |
User Input
read VAR # takes user input from keyboard
echo $VAR # referencing a declared variable
Positional Command Line Argument
echo $1 # prints first arg
echo $2 # prints second arg
echo ${10} # prints the 10th argument
echo ${20} # prints the 20th argument
# arguments after 9th must be enclosed in {}
Iterate thru Command Line Argument
for ARG in "$*"
echo $ARG
Optional-Value Variables
- replaces empty checks
- much cleaner way to deal with optional variables
YOUTUBER=${1:-"Linus Tech Tips"} # if first arg is not present, default to Linus Tech Tips
Environment Variables
- system/program info stored in variables
- you can figure out their values by using the command below
$ echo $<ENV_VARIABLE> # replace <ENV_VARIABLE> w/ a variable from below
- Useful commands when working w/ environment variables
$ env # The command lists all of the environment variables in the shell.
$ printenv # The command prints all environment variables.
$ set # The command assigns or defines an environment variable.
$ unset # The command deletes the environment variable.
$ export # The command exports the value of the newly assigned environment variable.
- list of common linux environment variables
USER # The current logged in user.
HOME #The home directory of the current user.
EDITOR # The default file editor to be used i.e: vim, nano, emacs, ect...
SHELL # The path of the current user’s shell, such as bash or zsh.
LOGNAME # The name of the current user.
PATH # A list of directories to be searched when executing commands.
LANG # The current locales settings.
TERM # The current terminal emulation.
MAIL # Location of where the current user’s mail is stored.
- SPACES MATTER in between brackets and expression
- 4 kinds
- if
- else
- elif
- case
- comparison operators
Operator | Functionality | Example |
== | two strings are equal | $VAR1 == $VAR2 |
!= | two strings are NOT equal | $VAR1 != $VAR2 |
< | less than for strings | $VAR1 < $VAR2 |
> | greater than for strings | $VAR1 > $VAR2 |
-n | string length > 0 | -n $VAR1 |
-z | string length == 0 | -z $VAR1 |
-eq | two numbers are equal | $num1 -eq $num2 |
-ne | two numbers are NOT equal | $num1 -ne $num2 |
-lt | less than for numbers | $num1 -lt $num2 |
-le | less than or equals for numbers | $num1 -le $num2 |
-gt | greater than for numbers | $num1 -gt $num2 |
-ge | greater than or equals for numbers | $num1 -ge $num2 |
if, else, elif, else
if [ expression ]; then # need a space between brackets
elif [ expression ]; then
case $VAR in
;; # don't forget the terminating statements
*) # default case
echo "default case "
esac # finish clause for case
- while
- for
- until
# standard while loop
while [ condition ]; do # spaces matter between brackets
done # don't forget the done clause
# infinite while loop
while : # ':' will always evaluate to true
done # don't forget the done clause
# for loop
for var in v0 v1 v2 ... vN; do # set of words
done # don't forget the done clause
# until loop
until [ condition ]; do
done # don't forget the done clause
- they are dynamically sized
- they are loosely typed
- zero-based indexed
ARRAY=(1 2 3 4 5) # declaring an array
This is how to print arrays
# print the whole array
echo ${ARRAY[@]}
echo ${ARRAY[*]}
# * and @ means all
# print the array in a certain range
echo ${ARRAY[@]:1} # gives us 2 3 4 5
echo ${ARRAY[*]:1:3} # gives us 2 3
# ${ARRAY[*]:<START>:<COUNT_ELEMENT>} => array from index <START> and count
# the number of elements specified by <COUNT_ELEMENT>
# if no count is specified, it will be from <START> to end of array
# using for loop
for e in "${ARRAY[*]}; do
echo $e
How to access array properties
# print an array at a certain index
echo ${ARRAY[2]} # gives us 3
# print the size of an array
echo ${#ARRAY[*]} # gives us 5
- can take 0 or multiple arguments
- called differently than other programming languages
- use these for large-scale automation
Defining and calling a function method 1
foo() # defining foo
... # do stuff
foo # calling foo DO NOT USE ()
Defining and calling a function method 2 USE THIS METHOD
function foo() # defining foo by using 'function keyword'
... # do stuff
foo # calling foo
Defining and calling a function with arguments
function foo()
# use the 'local' keyword to declare variables in the functions scope
local A1=$1
local A2=$2
foo "abc" "def" # calling foo with arguments
Returning a value from a function
function foo() # defining foo by using 'function keyword'
return 123
foo # calling foo DO NOT USE ()
append this into ~/.bashrc
# Show git branch name
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[01;31m\]$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\]\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w$(parse_git_branch)\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt