- Doesn't rely on any gnu programs
- There's a windows .exe included for windows users who are interested but don't want or cannot installing/configure Cygwin.
- I wanted to learn python.
- Mostly a copy of todo.sh.
- SAVE AS todo.exe to your home directory ( C:\Users\{your login id}\ )
- Follow these instructions
- Open a new cmd.exe
- Type: the letter t. This will run the todo command.
- Then: try t help
- Then: t add "read todo.txt help text"
- And then: t ls
- Look at autorun.bat. It should be self explanatory how to add more aliases and environment variables.
If you are using an ANSI compatible Terminal as a replacement for Window's cmd.exe you should use the --ansi switch or set TODOTXT_ANSI=1 via an environment variable or a Config file.
- SAVE AS todo.py to a directory that's in your path.
- give it execution permission by typing chmod +x todo.py
- This assumes that you have python already installed (which is normally the case)
- If you don't know about aliases, google linux alias or osx aliases
- defaults can be set via either environment variables or a config file.
- a list of environment variables is listed in the help text outputed from todo help
- an example config file is here: todo.cfg
- This is a conversion of https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/blob/master/todo.sh
- Most of the colorization code originally came from https://github.com/abztrakt/ya-todo-py/blob/master/todo.py(which i think came from Shane Koster [email protected] ).
- issue - todo do ITEM# - sanity check that item# is an integer
- (re?) prioritizing adds an odd space after the priority
- add sanity checks like in todo.sh
- add e for edit todo.txt in editor
- add action add-on ability. Like PV(project view) add-on.
- add birdseye and stuff
- multiple line add doesn't seem to work in windows.
- listpri works but is a bit of a hack
- stuff I might do later
- -P ( hide priority (x) labels.
- -@
- -+
- -V
- -x
- : add one command line option (not action)
- : add one configuration file
- : add one environment variables
- : all the command line options - need a list
- -vv (extra verbose)
- fix _list
- Added -A for sort Alphabetically
- ignores date and case
- -(sorta)fix listpri (hacky).
- document due:XXXX-XX-XX and due:XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX
- make for the .exe
- add due:tomorrow, and the week days
- put due:day in a def so that it can be called from anywhere, specifically append.
- del ITEM# is out of range = nice error
- del ITEM# TERM, just delete the TERM from the item : this was already
- append: check ITEM# is an integer and within range.
- test for tododir,etc and set home and default location/files
- look for the config file in a default TODO.sh-ish location.
- add instructions for doskey for aliases in windows
- Add Windows color for both ANSI Terminals and default cmd.exe.
- TODOTXT_COLOR_THEME & --ansi_theme {light,dark}
- TODOTXT_ANSI & --ansi
- Added version info via todo version
- review the --help output
- check example cfg file has everything
- Command line.
- Config file that's name is declared on the command line.
- Environment vars
- Local config file (if exists)
- Global config file (if exists)
- Defaults set internally to the program.