Simple publish your .Net Core application to linux server via SSH.
- Add this to
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="DotnetPublishSsh" Version="0.1.0" />
- Run
dotnet restore
- Run
dotnet publish-ssh
with options:
Usage: dotnet publish-ssh [arguments] [options]
Arguments and options are the same as for `dotnet publish`
SSH specific options:
--ssh-host * Host address
--ssh-port Host port
--ssh-user * User name
--ssh-password Password
--ssh-keyfile Private OpenSSH key file
--ssh-path * Publish path on remote server
(*) required
dotnet publish-ssh --ssh-host --ssh-port 22 --ssh-user root --ssh-password secret --ssh-path /var/www/site
- Just works
- Password authentication
- Private key file authentication
- Don't upload unmodified files (checksum)
- Config file
- Pre/post publish hooks on remote server