That project is a development approach to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
- Objective
- Role
- Dataset
- Tools
- Models
- Code
- Results
Develop and train and AI which classifies and identifies chest illnesses: COVID, viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia.
Freelancer consultant for Hospital in Toronto. Automate the proces of identifying and classifying chest illnesses. Reduce costs and dectection times.
The Data Team has already classify chest X-Rays available in the folders: data_train and data_test.
0 - COVID 1 - Healthy 2 - Viral Pneumonia 3 - Bacterial Pneumonia
- Google Colab
- Google Drive
- Tensorflow 2.9.1
- PowerPoint
The models of the different compiled, trained and optimized deep neural networks are included in the following link to google drive
The different versions of the Python notebooks are contained in the code folder.
In this llink to google drive or in the presentation folder there is a PowerPoint which introduces the development steps and reveals the main results for the classifications.