Code for the paper "Wasserstein Smoothing: Certified Robustness against Wasserstein Adversarial Attacks" by Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. Provides a smoothing-based defense against the Wasserstein Adversarial attack proposed by Wong et al. (2019) with a robustness certificate which is nonvacuous for the Wasserstein metric compared to smoothing-based L1 certified defenses.
- To train a model with smoothing standard deviation of 0.01:
python3 --stdev 0.01
- To compute the accuracy of a trained smoothed model, run
python3 --stdev 0.01 --model mnist_smooth_base_lr_0.001_stddev_0.01_epoch_199.pth
. This will save accuracy information in a.pth
file in theaccuaracies
directory. - To compute robustness certificates for a trained smoothed model, run
python3 --stdev 0.01 --model mnist_smooth_base_lr_0.001_stddev_0.01_epoch_199.pth
. This will save the certified robustness of each image in the test set in a.pth
file in theradii
directory. - To attack a smoothed classifier, run
python3 --stdev 0.01 --checkpoint mnist_smooth_base_lr_0.001_stddev_0.01_epoch_199.pth
. This will save the empirical attack radius of each image in the test set in a.pth
file in theepsilons
directory. - Files with 'laplace' in their names use Laplace smoothing instead of the proposed Wasserstein smoothing, but still compute certificates relative to the Wasserstein matric.
- Files with 'cifar' in their names use CIFAR-10 rather than MNIST.