This is simple CLI app that will print rotating cubes and toruses in terminal.
Open release page and find appropriate release for your system and arch, than download and unpack binary
mkdir -p bin
tar -C bin/ -xf cube-rotate-${VERSION}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz cube-rotate
or build from source:
git clone
cd cube-rotate
mkdir -p bin
go build -o bin/cube-rotate ./cmd/cube-rotate/
bin/cube-rotate --screen.width 205 --screen.height 44 --cubes.horizontal-offsets -50 --toruses.horizontal-offsets 50 --screen.background-symbol '.' --cubes.count 1 --toruses.count 1 --toruses.distances 10 --screen.fps 100
Usage of cube-rotate:
-cubes.count int
count of cubes to print (default 1)
-cubes.horizontal-offsets value
horizontal positions of cubes, count must be equal to cubes.count
-cubes.widths value
widths of cubes, count must be equal to cubes.count
-screen.background-symbol string
background symbol to use (default ".")
-screen.fps int
fps (default 30)
-screen.height int
your terminal symbol counts in one line (default 67)
-screen.width int
your terminal symbol counts in one column (default 287)
-toruses.count int
count of toruses to print (default 1)
-toruses.distances value
distances for which toruses will be print
-toruses.horizontal-offsets value
horizontal positions of toruses, count must be equal to toruses.count