Hardcover is a theme for Hugo.
It is a combination of the Paperback and Academic Hugo themes built to suit my needs. It has the same reading experience with high contrast colors as the Paperback theme, while incorporating the features of the Academic theme that are relevant to someone in academia.
Instructions on how to install a theme can be found in the Hugo documentation.
A few parameters can be adjusted in the site config:
Author = "Name Surname"
# Social accounts
# Set to true if you want to add social links
SocialLinks = true
# Give the relevant account names
Github = "alexander-e"
ORCiD = "0000-0000-0000-0000"
ResearchGate = ""
LinkedIn = ""
GoogleScholar = ""
# Enable the Ubuntu font?
fancyfont = "true"
The links that are displayed in the header can also be adjusted in the site config.
Next to an about me section, a blog section and a contact section, there is also a scientific output section. In this section, a (chronological) list of your scientific output is generated. Currently, five types of scientific outputs are supported by five content types:
- journal articles (journal),
- articles in conference proceedings (proceeding),
- posters and presentations (talk),
- dissertations (dissertation), and
- preprints (wip).
Note that currently, the page reference of the journal and proceeding entries are not finished yet. I will finish them in the future, just let me know if you need it (or fix it yourself and send this repository a push request).