This project may be built manually as an alternative to including the pre-built AAR as an external dependency in your app project. To start the build, import the root directory of this project into Android Studio as an existing Android Studio project, or follow the instructions below to build on the command line.
The Gradle build uses the gradle-stable plugin and the Android NDK to
build the Tesseract and Leptonica native C/C++ code through a call to
in build.gradle
. In Android Studio, use
Build -> Rebuild Project
to build or rebuild the project.
Note: When building from Android Studio, you may need to set the path to your NDK installation in the Project Structure dialog (File->Project Structure).
On Mac/Linux:
Edit your file to include the path to your NDK directory:
Run the following commands:
export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/your/android-sdk
git clone git:// tess
cd tess
./gradlew assemble
On Windows:
Edit your file to include the path to your NDK directory:
Run the following commands:
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\\path\\to\\your\\android-sdk
git clone git:// tess
cd tess
gradlew assemble
On all above platforms you can build a command-line static banary, e.g.
ndk-build -C tess-two-git/tess-two tesseract APP_ABI=arm64-v8a
It can be deployed to /data/local/tmp
of a compatible Android device and run from adb shell:
adb shell time tesseract --tessdata-dir tessdata imagename outputbase
With v.4.1 you can use new or old data files.
After building, the code that is generated may be imported into your app project in Android Studio as a module using
File -> New -> Import Module -> tess-two
and then adding the dependency to your app module build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation project(':tess-two')
On Mac/Linux:
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
On Windows:
gradlew connectedAndroidTest
If you want to remove your app's dependency on the tess-two module, reverse the import process by removing the module using the Project Structure dialog (File->Project Structure), manually deleting the tess-two subfolder from your app project folder, and removing the tess-two reference from your app module build.gradle.