This project won't be receiving further updates or maintenance.
Please consider trying one of the forks of this project such as
A fork of Tesseract Tools for Android (tesseract-android-tools) that adds some additional functions. Tesseract Tools for Android is a set of Android APIs and build files for the Tesseract OCR and Leptonica image processing libraries.
This project works with:
- Tesseract 4.1 (submodule)
- Leptonica 1.9 (submodule)
- libjpeg 9b
- libpng 1.6.25
The source code for these dependencies is included within the
The tess-two
module contains tools for compiling the Tesseract and Leptonica
libraries for use on the Android platform. It provides a Java API for accessing
natively-compiled Tesseract and Leptonica APIs.
The eyes-two
module contains additional image processing code copied from the
eyes-free project. It includes native functions for text detection,
blur detection, optical flow detection, and thresholding. Eyes-two is not needed
for using the Tesseract or Leptonica APIs.
The tess-two-test
module contains instrumented unit tests for tess-two.
- Android 2.3 or higher
- A v4.1 or 3.02 trained data file for a language. Data files must be
copied to the Android device in a subdirectory named
To use tess-two from your app, edit your app module's build.gradle
file to add
tess-two as an external dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.rmtheis:tess-two:9.1.0'
Javadoc is available.
If you want to modify the tess-two code, or you want to use the eyes-two module, you may build the project yourself locally. See
Release points are tagged with version numbers. A change to the major version number indicates an API change making that version incompatible with previous versions.
The change log shows what's new in each version.
- Stack Overflow:
- tesseract-ocr:!forum/tesseract-ocr
Copyright 2011 Robert Theis
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
The Google Mobile Vision API team has made available an OCR capability that is provided to developers through the Google Play Services library: The Mobile Vision API offers a simple API for OCR that currently works for Latin-based characters.