- 线性
- 非线性
- 顺序
- 链接
算法 就是求解问题和步骤的序列, 如何描述?
转化成对应的程序语言 一个问题可能有多个 程序就是数据结构加算法
- 有穷性
- 确定性
- 可行性
- 输入
- 输出
- 正确性 correctness
- 可读性 readablity
- 健壮性 robustness
- 高效性 efficiency
- 时间少
- 占用内存少
时间效率和空间效率有时候是矛盾的 结合具体的场景取舍
事前分析 (选这个) 估算
- 算法运行时间= 一个简单操作所需时间 * 简单操作次数
- 多项式 麻烦 改成 数量级 T = O(n)
let i = 1 whlie(i<=n){ i*=2 } 1 i = 2 2 i = 4 3 i = 2^3 x i = 2^x i<=n => 2^x <= n => x<= log2n 对数级别 O(logN)
- 数据类型
- 数据关系
- 数据操作
- 用已有的数据类型定义存储结构
- 用函数定义数据操作
就可以在程序中使用了 用已经有的数据类型 和数据操作来描述
typedef struct{
float realpart;
float imaqpart;
}Complex //定义抽象类型
void assign(Complex *A, float real, float, imag) //赋值
void add(Complex *A , float real, float imag)
void add(Complex *A , float real, float imag)
void add(Complex *A , float real, float imag)
void add(Complex *A , float real, float imag)
- 元素既可以是简单类型也可以是复杂数据类型
- a-z
- 十二星座
- 某单位历年拥有计算机数量 (3, 1, 3, 34, 435)
- 元素必定有相同的特性 元素之间的关系是线性关系
- 图书管理系统
- 查找
- 插入
- 删除
- 修改
- 排序
- 按书名
- isbn
- 计数
var bookList = [
根据需要 选择合适的
所以要知道数组和链表的在插入 删除 查找方面的区别
1. 选择适当的存储结构
2. 实现此存储结构上的基本操作
3. 利用基本操作完成功能
priorElem() //求前驱节点
traverse() //遍历
- 占用连续内存空间 如果每个元素占用l个存储单元 下一个的很容易计算出来
LOC(ai + 1) = LOC(ai) + l
LOC(ai) = LOC(a1) + (i-1)* i
数组类似 用一维数组表示顺序表
c语言没法 数组长度不可动态定义 那怎么解决? 用一个变量表示顺序表的长度属性
# define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100
typedef struct{
ElmType elem[LIST_INIT_SIZE];
int length;//当前长度
# define MAX_BOOK_SIZE 1000
typeDef struct{
char no[20]; //图书ISBN
char name[50]; //图书名字
float price
typeDef struct{
Book *elem; //存储空间的基地址
int length;//图书表中当前图书的个数
1 数组静态分配
typeDef struct{
Elemtype data[MaxSize];//基地址 就是一个指针?
int length;
}SqList //顺序表类型
2 数组动态分配
typeDef struct{
ElemType *data;
int length;
//后面为动态数组 动态分配空间
SqList L;
l.data = (ElemType*)malloc(sizeof(Elemype*) * MaxSize)
malloc(m) 函数 开辟m字节长度的地址空间 并且返回这段空间的首地址
sizeof(x)运算 计算变量x的长度
free(p) 释放指针p所指变量的存储空间,就是彻底删除一个变量
- wiki
- 数据结构(c 语言版 第二版) 已读 245 页 /总数 883 页
- 万能的互联网
- stack 61 problems. 20 Valid Parentheses 39.3% Easy 42 Trapping Rain Water 50.0% Hard 71 Simplify Path 33.2% Medium 84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 36.0% Hard 85 Maximal Rectangle 38.7% Hard 94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 64.7% Medium 103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 49.2% Medium 144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 56.6% Medium 145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 56.3% Medium 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 37.1% Medium 155 Min Stack 45.4% Easy 173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 58.0% Medium 224 Basic Calculator 37.6% Hard 225 Implement Stack using Queues 46.3% Easy 232 Implement Queue using Stacks 50.9% Easy 255 Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree 45.9% Medium 272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II 51.2% Hard 316 Remove Duplicate Letters 38.4% Medium 331 Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree 40.7% Medium 341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 53.7% Medium 385 Mini Parser 34.2% Medium 394 Decode String 51.1% Medium 402 Remove K Digits 28.5% Medium 439 Ternary Expression Parser 56.2% Medium 456 132 Pattern 30.4% Medium 496 Next Greater Element I 64.7% Easy 503 Next Greater Element II 57.4% Medium 591 Tag Validator 34.6% Hard 636 Exclusive Time of Functions 53.0% Medium 682 Baseball Game 65.1% Easy 726 Number of Atoms 50.9% Hard 735 Asteroid Collision 43.0% Medium 739 Daily Temperatures 64.0% Medium 770 Basic Calculator IV 54.6% Hard 772 Basic Calculator III 42.4% Hard 844 Backspace String Compare 46.7% Easy 856 Score of Parentheses 61.8% Medium 880 Decoded String at Index 24.5% Medium 895 Maximum Frequency Stack 61.8% Hard 901 Online Stock Span 60.8% Medium 907 Sum of Subarray Minimums 33.4% Medium 921 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid 74.5% Medium 946 Validate Stack Sequences 63.1% Medium 975 Odd Even Jump 41.8% Hard 1003 Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions 55.5% Medium 1063 Number of Valid Subarrays 71.4% Hard 1019 Next Greater Node In Linked List 58.2% Medium 1021 Remove Outermost Parentheses 78.5% Easy 1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 69.6% Easy 1081 Smallest Subsequence of Distinct Characters 53.3% Medium 1124Longest Well-Performing Interval 33.0% Medium 1130 Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values 67.1% Medium 1190 Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses 63.8% Medium 1209 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II 57.3% Medium 1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses 63.2% Medium 1381 Design a Stack With Increment Operation 75.9% Medium 1410 HTML Entity Parser 54.2% Medium 1441 Build an Array With Stack Operations 69.4% Easy 1541 Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String 41.8% Medium 1544 Make The String Great 54.8% Easy 1598 Crawler Log Folder
- is a way in which data is stored on a computer
- is a data organization management and storage format that enables efficient and modification.
- Abstract/Logical View
- ADTs are entitites that are definitions of data and operations but do not have implementation details.
- Implementation View
- consists of nodes where each node contains a data field and a reference(link) to the next node in the list
- since they are not stored in a contiguous memmory locations
advantages of Linked List over Arrays
- Dynamic size
- Ease of insertion/deletion
Disadvantages of Linked List over Arrays
- Random access is not allowed. We have to access elements sequentially starting from the first node
- Extra memory space for a pointer is required with each element of the list
- Not cache friendly. Since array elements are contiguous locations, they is locality of reference which is not there in case of linked lists.
Options of linked list
- traversing a linked list
- append a new node
- prepend a new node
- insert a new node to a specific position in the list
- delete a node
- updating a node
type of linked list
- singly linked list
- doubly linked list
- circular linked list
some applications of linked list data structure
- implement Stacks Queues
- implement Graphs
- implement Hash Tables : Each bucket of the hash table can itself be a linked list
- Undo functionality in ps or word. linked list of states