The Gnosis Port of the Wagyu Key Gen is a GUI application providing functionality to the Staking-deposit-cli-2.3.0. It is a React app running in Electron. See src/electron/
for the simple electron app and src/react/
for where the magic happens.
Download Gnosis Wagyu Keygen at Releases
Wagyu Audit by HashCloak Wagyu Key Gen Audit Report
-This is an audit of the upstream software used as the basis for this port.
Prior to running Gnosis Wagyu Key Gen a few dependencies need to be installed.
Execute all those commands in your terminal to setup your dev environment.
sudo apt install -y curl
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y build-essential nodejs git python3-distutils python3-dev
curl -sSL -o
pip3 install pyinstaller
sudo npm install -g yarn
git clone
cd wagyu-key-gen
yarn install
yarn buildcli
Even if Ubuntu 18.04 is somewhat old, it is a great OS to build our releases on for the Linux target because it has an older GLIBC which makes it more compatible. More details here.
Execute all those commands in your terminal to build a distribution for release.
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install -y curl
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y python3.10-dev python3.10-distutils zlib1g-dev build-essential nodejs git
curl -sSL -o
alias python3=python3.10
echo -e "\nalias python3=python3.10" >> ~/.bash_aliases
pip3 install pyinstaller
sudo corepack enable
git clone
cd wagyu-key-gen
yarn install
yarn build
yarn buildcli
yarn dist
- Download and install Node.js and npm from (Use LTS version and 64-bit .msi Installer).
- At the screen named Tools for Native Modules, make sure to check the option named Automatically install the necessary tools.. It will install chocolatey, Python 3 and VS build tools. Follow the instructions until the end.
- Open a command prompt window as admin (Press
⊞ Win
, typecmd
, holdCtrl
and press↵ Enter
)- Execute this command to install git. Follow the instructions on screen.
choco install git.install
- Open a normal command prompt window (Press
⊞ Win
, typecmd
and press↵ Enter
).- Execute those commands to upgrade pip, install pyinstaller, Cython, install yarn, clone the repository and install the required packages.
python -m pip install --upgrade --user pip
python -m pip install --user pyinstaller
python -m pip install --user Cython
set PATH=%APPDATA%\python\Python310\Scripts;%PATH%
npm install -g yarn
git clone
cd wagyu-key-gen
yarn install
yarn buildcliwin
Execute all these commands in your terminal to setup your dev environment. You may be prompted to install "command line developer tools" at some point and please do it.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/wagyu/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
git --version
// If git is not found, run the following
brew install git
python3 --version
pip3 --version
// If either python3 or pip3 are not found, run the following
brew install python3
brew install node
pip3 install pyinstaller
npm install -g yarn
git clone
cd wagyu-key-gen
yarn install
yarn buildcli
Run the following commands in the repository directory:
yarn build
yarn build:watch
(will reload build on changes)- In order to get them to show in the app press
once the app is started.
yarn start
To open dev tools when in Gnosis Wagyu Key Gen use Ctrl
+ Shift
+ I
We use electron-builder to create executable bundles for Gnosis Wagyu Key Gen.
Run the following to create a bundle:
yarn run build
yarn run buildcli
(oryarn run buildcliwin
on Windows)yarn run dist
Your assets will be in the dist/
If you would like to help with funding this project's source, you can donate to their Gitcoin grant or you can send your funds directly to wagyutools.eth
Donations for this Gnosis Chain Port of Wagyu are accepted at vnv.eth
Support for this project can currently be found on the DAppNode Discord Sever In the Gnosis Beacon Chain channel.
Reach out to the EthStaker community to get more generalized support for staking: