Read the list of contributors to see who helped with the project!
This project (IAT2) involves the creation of a new assembly language for enhanced understanding and usability, we introduce the AT2, accompanied by its dedicated assembler (2AT2) and virtual Processor (VAT2).
AT2 stands for Assembly Team 2, representing our proprietary assembly language. You can also refer to the documentation.
2AT2 stands for Assembler for Assembly Team 2, serving as the exclusive assembler capable of reading and converting .aop
files written in our AT2 language into machine code (Binary).
VAT2 stands for Virtual Processor for Assembly Team 2, serving as a virtual processor able to execute our binary generated by 2AT2.
IAT2 stands for Integral Assembler Team 2, it's the name of the whole project (2AT2 + VAT2).
We selected the .aop
extension to signify Aop Original Program, embodying an infinite recursive loop inspired by ZWEI's name.
To assemble your code in .aop
, here is some commands related to 2AT2 usage.
- Compile you AT2's code:
2at2 <path/file.aop>
- Display the commands list:
2at2 -help
or2at2 -h
- Compile + run your AT2's code with VAT2:
iat2 <path/file.aop>
You can also refer to the entire user manual and AT2 documentation.
To use IAT2 you need:
- A computer (Windows Recommended)
- GCC installed, you can install it here
Step By Step:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Go at the project root
- Build the project
- How to use with mingw: (Windows)
- Execute
cmake -S . -B Build -G "MinGW Makefiles"
- Execute
cd Build
- Execute
- Execute
- How to use with msys2: (Windows)
- Execute
cmake -S . -B Build -G "MSYS Makefiles"
- Execute
cd Build
- Execute
- Execute
- How to use with mingw: (Windows)
It will generate a bin folder containing our runners to use it refers to How does it work
You can also refer to user manual.
- C99 - C programming Language.
- C++ - C++ Language used for unit tests.
- Visual Studio Code - IDE (Integrated Developement Environement).
- CMake - Software Build System for C & C++ code.
- GoogleTest - Google's internal systems for continuous integration.
- GCC - Used to compile C language.
- G++ - Used to compile C++ language
If you want to contribute please take a look to
- Latest : 1.1.2
- Current : 1.1.2
- Versions List : Cliquer pour afficher
This project is under license MIT
- see the LICENSE file for more information.