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In the Media: Alice Motion

Alice Motion edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 7 revisions

Citizen Chem, Chemistry World Magazine

Alice Motion writes a monthly column for the Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemistry World Magazine. Focusing on projects, people and philosophies that connect and involve members of the public with chemistry and science more broadly, each month Alice takes on a different topic.

You can read over 40 articles here

  • Motion, A. (2024). Setting the Chemistry Agenda. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2023). Introducing InSTEM. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2023). Catching the citizen science bug. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2023). Affirming identity in chemistry classrooms. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2023). Transforming lab coats into Cloaks for Sydney WorldPride. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2023). Composting Chemistry. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). Andre Isaacs, chemist and tik tok star. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). Sounding out science. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). A citizen science app for teaching botany. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). Can scientists communicate better with comedy? Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). Dashing through the snow(flakes). Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). Bringing citizen science into school - and to the beach. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). A call for open science student leaders. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2022). Mental health in science. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Pride in science. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Monitoring rainwater quality in Arizona. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Virtual Modality. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Measuring pollutants with paper devices. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Five citizen science projects receive funding from UKRI. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Brewing up science stories. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Mapping stories on the River Chess. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Raven the Science Maven's communication haven. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). Volunteers are keeping a vigilant eye on volcanoes in the West Indies. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). The colouring book celebrating diversity in science. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2021). The citizen scientists searching for slime moulds. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Mapping mercury contamination from mining. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). The citizen scientists performing water research in Hong Kong. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Communicating chemistry through music. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Deadly science inspiring future Indigenous scientists. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Monitoring climate change through sensors in surfboards. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Making waves with the surfing citizen scientists. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). The citizen scientists sharing their own data during the Covid-19 pandemic. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Fighting plastic waste with the power of citizen science. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). How Flint tapped in to community action. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Biodiversity after the Australian bushfires. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). On course for openness. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2020). Learning through citizen science. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). What's next after the International Year of the Periodic Table? Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). Immersed in public engagement. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). Reaching out for chemistry careers. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). Board games of chemistry. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). Bringing video games into the protein fold. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). The Solar Army marches on. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). The crowdsourced analysis hoping to go viral. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). How Danish children discovered 10 new species of bacteria. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). What can citizen science do for us? Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). Collaborative atmospheres. Chemistry World.
  • Motion, A. (2019). How teenagers are disrupting drug discovery. Chemistry World.

Science in Motion, Monthly Television Science Segment on ABC Weekend Breakfast

Up and Atom, FBi Radio Sydney

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