license :
The most important rule: for any commercial use! or public service you must buy application template [sneat]
from original source (
The backend codes are completely free and copying is allowed with reference to the source!
This application is developed with the Flask framework and uses Python 3.10. It uses SQLalchemy ORM to communicate with the database.
The data is stored in the database in the form of (groups - tasks - events) pickled
For example: an event is first converted into this class, in the next step it is converted into a pickle, and finally it is stored in the database.
Note: The classes are stored in a list and then they are pickled
- /.env -> For Method.1
- /app/.env -> For Method.2
cd app
python3 pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m flask db init && python3 -m flask db migrate && python3 -m flask db upgrade
python3 -m flask db run --debug
- Simple command :
docker-compose up --build -d
- Forget PassWord
- Leave handling of static files to Engenic
- Add profile picture for users
- Building the base class and reducing the code size of the section {app.mod_application.memory_management}
- Optimization